News / Obelisk

joining statementtttt

When the university announced its new set of togas—which was recently approved by the University Administrative Council—we received feedback from the vetmed alumni community about the DVM regalia. The new attire is comprised of the new VSU undergraduate toga with mortarboard cap and a gray alampay with three stripes and the CVM logo. 

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new acuuu

It’s almost a sweep for VSU in a scientific conference held in Thailand.

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scs orientation

Some of the country’s career scientists engaged in a mini-talkshow forum that allowed them to address some of the questions coming from both the physical and virtual audiences. Photo courtesy of NAST-SCS.

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VSU toga

An exciting new attire is set to make every graduation rites in VSU more meaningful and distinctive.

This is part of the university’s long term plan to establish a more coherent visual identity and corporate branding. 

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sheva belarmino hyli

Another #ProudViscan is set to represent VSU and the Philippines in the highly-coveted Hitachi Young Learner's Initiative (HYLI) 2022 in Singapore on July 18-21, 2022. 

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popoyyy de veraa

Congratulations to Dr. J. Prospero E. De Vera III on his re-appointment as Chairperson of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). 

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Basilan Philrootcrops

PhilRootcrops Deputy Director Marlon M. Tambis orients the officials of Basilan province for the establishment of new root crop production areas in southern Philippines.

A unique livelihood program anchored on root crop production is set to take shape in the western part of Basilan province.

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master jp

A #ProudViscan took home two major awards in a national student film festival jointly presented by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP).

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ABE review

For the first time, the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (DABE) partnered with the University Review Services (URS) to hold an intensive and free supplemental board exam review exclusive for their graduating students and alumni who wish to take the upcoming licensure examination slated next month.

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