News / Obelisk


VSU Alumna, now a farmer and social entrepreneur Cherrie Atilano has been nominated by the news media organization Rappler for the 2016 Move Awards to be held on November 11.

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VSU's performance in the 2016 Forestry Licensure Examination has improved from last year's passing rate. 

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VSU Isabel Campus got a 100% passing rate in the Mechanical Engineering (ME) licensure examination, the results from the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) disclosed on the eve of October 7.

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All ten first-time takers from VSU passed the geodetic engineering licensure examination on October 10-11, the results from the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) said.

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Civil Service Commission Regional Office VIII Director II Pharida Q. Aurelia shared PIES, an acronym for four civil service values, to VSU during the culmination of the month-long celebration of the 116th Philippine Civil Service Anniversary, September 30, at the VSU Gymnasium.

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Retired Professor Vassilis Gekas of the Cyprus University of Technology in Greece visited VSU to share his research in bioconversion and functional foods, October 11.

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For the third time, VSU will host the screening of Cine Europa, a film festival of award-winning European films, November 7-12, at the Center for Continuing Education.

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The fulfillment of the sustainable development goals needs relevant statistics, said Dr. Norberto Milla, head of VSU’s Department of Statistics (DepStat), during the Data Appreciation Seminar, October 10, in celebration of the 27th National Statistics Month.

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Classes in junior high school and college are suspended at VSU for almost a week because the 2016 VSU-wide Intramural Games has officially begun!

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