VSU Library caps National Book Week 2017
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Published: 17 November 2017

Anchored on the theme, Libraries take action: Providing access and opportunities for all, the Visayas State University Library concluded the 83rd National Book Week 2017 at the New VSU Library, November 17.
The 83rd Book Week is aimed at instilling the love for books among young Filipino learners, developing essential reading and literacy skills, and promoting libraries in the country.
VSU’s Vice-President for Instruction Dr. Beatriz S. Belonias, in a talk, encouraged the students who participated in the program to visit the library more often.
“Visit the library more and read more … If you cultivate the habit of reading, you will bring it with you when you’re older,” said Belonias.
In-line with the Book Week celebration, the University Library also conducted events including Library Instruction on the use of Library Information Resources and Services, Quiz Bowl, walk through the history (a dramatic monologue of SISA), and Poster-Making Contest.
Below are the winners of the following contests:
Quiz Bowl
1st Place - Abel Niño M. Ulson
2nd Place - Hannah Jane A. Espiridion
3rd Place - Charlow M. Tumimbo
Walk through the History (A dramatic monologue of SISA)
1st Place - Erna Mae V. Alajas
2nd Place - Jessame S. Benitez
3rd Place - Ailyn A. Encila
Poster-Making Contest
1st Prize Winner - Jon Paolo Y. Cormanes (Grade 8 - Atis)
2nd Prize Winner - Esra Maria M. Managbanag (Grade 7 - Rosal)
3rd Prize Winner - Analea Rafanelle C. Lao (Grade 7 - Marigold)
National Book Week is an annual event of Philippine Librarians Association Inc. (PLAI) in partnership with the National Commission for Culture and the Arts-National Committee on Library and Information Services, (NCCA-NCLIS) and the National Library of the Philippines (NLP) that celebrates the contributions of our nation's libraries and our library workers.