News / Obelisk

 In a letter sent to Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, VSU President, by Dr. Manuel T. Corpus, Executive Director of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc., dated July 16, 2014, he informed the University President that the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Program of VSU has been awarded the Level IV Re-accredited Status favorably acted by the Board after it was assessed by the AACCUP accreditors and recommended for such approval.


This recent development made another record to VSU as the first-ever University in the country to be given the highest accolade as an excellent institution offering Agriculture Program with prestige and authority comparable to similar programs in excellent foreign universities. As what the AACCUP Executive Director had said “There are already a number of institutions who applied for Level IV accreditation of their Agriculture Program, but no one has passed yet.” So, only VSU did it.


Based on the AACCUP Technical Review and Recommended Board Action, the VSU’s Agriculture Program Level IV Re-accredited Status shall be valid from April 16, 2014 until April 15, 2018. The Agriculture Program earned excellent outcomes in the following areas with corresponding ratings: Research as seen in the number, scope and impact of scholarly publications in refereed national and international journals – 4.75; Teaching and Learning as proven in excellent performance of graduates and continuing assessment of student achievement – 4.75; Community Service and the impact of contributions to the economic and social upliftment, on both regional and national levels – 4.5; Evidence of International Linkages and Consortia – 4.5; and Well-developed planning processes which support quality assurance mechanism – 4.75, with a Grand Mean of 4.65.


The following are the recommendations of the Board for VSU to consider:

1) Keep a file of your “Narrative Profile” to be used as reference in the next survey visit;


2) Prepare your Research Agenda/Program for the period 2014-2018. The program must contain specific projects/studies and their corresponding study leaders, budget, schedule of implementation, and other relevant information, a) implement the program and the specific projects/studies, and b) make a report on your accomplishments in 2018;


3) Prepare your “Extension program/Agenda” for the period 2014-2018. The 4-year program must indicate the specific extension projects and their respective leaders, locations, beneficiaries, budget, schedule of implementation, cooperating agencies and other relevant information, a) implement the programs and its projects, b) conduct a report on your accomplishments in 2018, and c) conduct an impact study of each project that is carried out;


4) Prepare your “Faculty Development Program/Plan” for the period 2014-2018. Indicate the specific projects/grants and the corresponding beneficiaries/participants, time period covered, funding, funding sources, and sponsoring agencies and other relevant information, a) implement the program, and b) make a report on the results in 2018;


5) Evaluate and strengthen your national and international linkages and consortia;


6) Prepare your Quality Assurance Plan for 2014-2018. Implement and submit a report on the accomplishment in 2018;


7) Pursue tracer study of your BSA graduates up to 2018. Make a report on the results in 2018. Further improve the performance of your graduates in the workplace and the licensure examination; and


8) Roll and implement yoru strategic plan 2010-2015 to 2014-2018. Make a report on the accomplishments in 2018.  


The AACCUP accreditors who visited VSU on April 1-2, 2014 were: Dr. Namerod F. Mateo of the University of Rizal System, Dr. Lydia P. Libunao of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University-NLUC, Dr, Marilyn B. Atinyao of Benguet State University, and Dr. Manuel T. Corpus of AACCUP.


It can be recalled that VSU is also the first-ever University in the country to be given an Institutional Accreditation by the AACCUP. JFMBaldos

flowergarden 2014The Flower and Garden Show 2014 served as the opening salvo of the 90th (Nanogintennial) Founding Anniversary of the Visayas State University. It was held in the afternoon of August 1 at the VSU Social Garden.

Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, VSU President, was so elated with the presence of many plant exhibitors and enthusiasts whose number keeps on increasing every year. Dr. Bacusmo also emphasized that there is always something new that the exhibitors want to show to the plant lovers and other clients that would entice them to come to VSU every time it holds its anniversary.

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jlb saka2014Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, VSU President, is the recipient of the 2013 Regional “Gawad Saka” Award (Outstanding Agricultural Scientist) for Eastern Visayas. Dr. Bacusmo received a trophy and a cash award of PhP30,000 from Regional Executive Director Bernadette F. San Juan during the Department of Agriculture–Regional Field Office No. 8’s (DA-RFO 8) culmination of the Farmers and Fisherfolks’ Month on May 30, 2014 at the DA-8 Multipurpose Hall in Tacloban City.

As regional winner, Dr. Bacusmo will be competing with other winners from the different regions throughout the country in the 2014 National Gawad Saka Search (Outstanding Agricultural Scientist), the most prestigious award conferred by DA to an individual who has done outstanding research work in the field directly related to agriculture and fisheries.

As a result, the Gawad Saka National Technical Committee composed of Dr. Teodoro S. Solsoloy of the Department of Agriculture’s Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) and Dr. Roberto Rañola of the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) visited and interviewed Dr. Bacusmo on July 7-8, 2014 for field validation of his nomination as finalist to the 2014 National Gawad Saka Search for Outstanding Agricultural Scientist. Other members of the team who were not able to come to VSU are Dr. Edralina Serrano of UPLB, and Ms. Digna L. Sandoval of DA-BAR.

The criteria used in selecting the winner for the Regional/National Gawad Saka Award (Outstanding Agricultural Scientist) are as follows: a) Quality of scientific work – 32%; b) Productivity of the scientist – 23%; c) Creativity of the scientist – 20%; and d) Impact of research project/s conducted – 25% with a total of 100%.

Gawad Saka is an annual event of DA in cooperation with other government institutions, non-government organizations and the private sector which aims to give due recognition and to pay tribute to dedicated individuals and institutions whose exemplary accomplishments in their respective fields of endeavor and contribution in the country’s agricultural development are deemed worthy of emulation. JFMBaldos

Full Speech of UPLB Chancellor Rex Victor O. Cruz, Speaker of VSU's 61st Commencement Speaker.
May 9, 2014, VSU Gymnatorium


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Official Statement from the Office of the VSU President on the death of a mechanical engineering student on July 23, 2014.

We are deeply saddened by the news of the death of one of our students today.

Earlier in the afternoon of July 23, Wednesday, a mechanical engineering student died in the middle of an ultimate frisbee game. He was participating as a member of the College of Engineering (COE) Bravehearts ultimate frisbee team for the 2014 VSU Intramural Games. He suffered of cardiac arrest while playing.

Paramedics immediately rushed him to the VSU hospital but he was declared dead on arrival.

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VSU President, Dr. Jose L. Bacusmo, presented the University Action Plan and Project (APP) before some panelists on March 4, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ortigas, Quezon City as part of the requirements of the Executive Course in Education Management and Leadership (ECEML).

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