OVPRE head is Pantas awardee
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- Written by SMCLemos
Published: 23 June 2015

Dr. Othello B. Capuno, Vice President for Research and Extension and Director of the Visayas Consortium for Agriculture and Resources Program (VICARP), has been chosen as this year’s Pantas Awardee for the Most Outstanding Research Administrator by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD). The award includes a PhP300,000 cash prize and a trophy which will be given during the PCAARRD awarding ceremonies on June 22, 2015 at the Philippine International Convention Center, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City.
The criteria consist of the following: Resources generated and mobilized for R&D for the past five years, agency output generated for the past five years, linkages forged through memorandum of agreement, trainings/workshops conducted/organized for the past five years, human resource development and management, innovations and new systems/initiatives introduced that enhanced the effectiveness of the agency, awards received as administrator, and length of service as administrator.
The Pantas Award is open to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of agriculture, aquatic and natural resources, research and development in the Philippines. There are two (2) categories of the Pantas Award – Outstanding Scientist/Researcher and Research Administrator. SMCLemos