KOICA’s 4M-US dollar project on reconstruction and strengthening of VSU-Tolosa Campus to commence soon
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- Written by Jesus Freddy M. Baldos
Published: 04 August 2015

A group of experts from Korea and personnel of Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in the Philippines conducted on June 30-July 1, 2015 an ocular survey at the VSU-Tolosa Campus where the 4-million US dollar project funded by KOICA will be established. The group composed of Mr. Joon Bang (Construction Manager, Heerim), Mr. Bok-ji Kim (Project Manager, Usun Co., Ltd), Mr Hong-shik Shin (Architecture Assistant, Usun Co., Ltd), Ms. Sunhyung Hwang (Assistant Country Director, KOICA Philippines), Ms. Soon Ok Kim (Education Specialist, KOICA Philippines), and Ms. Maria Regina Arquiza (Program Officer, KOICA Philippines) were warmly welcomed by Dr. Lourdes B. Cano, VSU-Tolosa Dean, and Dr. Obdulia G. Camoying, VSU-Tolosa Assistant Dean.
The Korean guests first visited the site where the two three-storey buildings will be constructed. They recommended to VSU-Tolosa officials the need for filling up the ground up to the level of the highway to avoid the problem of over flooding that might occur in the area before they will start the construction.
After the ocular survey, the Korean visitors had a meeting with Dr. Cano, Dr. Camoying, Engr. Mario Valenzona of VSU’s General Services Office, Mr. Jesus Freddy M. Baldos of VSU’s Information Office, and other VSU-Tolosa faculty and staff where they presented the plan on how the two three-storey buildings will be constructed. Mr. Joon Bang and Mr. Bok-ji Kim took turn in presenting the two designs of the buildings for VSU-Tolosa officials to choose from. The final design of the buildings was thoroughly discussed with minor observations such as switching of some offices in the administration building and identifying areas for fire exits as provided in the fire regulation code of the Philippines which the VSU-Tolosa shall provide to KOICA for consideration.
It was also pointed out that the cafeteria will only be used as the eating area while the cafeteria kitchen will be used by the students to prepare their food. KOICA will only provide the sink, portable gas range and microwave in the cafeteria.
Ms. Sunhyung Hwang also revealed that after the integration of the suggestions in the selected design of the buildings, the designing part will be completed by September and the contract with the contractor will be signed, hopefully, by November this year. It was also emphasized that VSU-Tolosa shall take charge in processing and securing the building permit before the building construction kicks off at the end of this year or early next year.
Ms. Hwang, moreover, said that the minibus requested by VSU-Tolosa will soon be delivered to the campus as soon as they complied the necessary requirements demanded by the Korean government as they need to go through the usual procedures required by their government. She also said that they already paid 70% of the total amount of the minibus, and VSU, likewise, has already paid the required customs duties and responsibilities. JFMBaldos