News / Obelisk

Women in sports

With the uproar of the coming 37th Regional State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) Games 2023, Visayas State University, the host institution recognizes two powerful women who in one way or another worked toward the preparations of this annual inter-collegiate sports event in Eastern Visayas.

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To deeply understand the agroecological restoration approach for sustainable land use and conservation, Professor Dr. Guiraldo C. Fernandez, Jr. took part in a field course offered by Yale University School of the Environment and the Environment Leadership and Training Initiatives (ELTI) in South America.

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Dr. Editha Gundaya Cagasan is one of my most dependable generals here on campus. No matter how difficult and challenging the situation is, I did not see her wasting her time complaining about a problem but would rather focus more on delivering results.

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Croatia student-interns

#ProudViscans Arven Jacob Salera and Dixie Grace Gelaga who are fresh graduates from the veterinary medicine program recalled their memorable experiences as exchange students in Croatia, Europe.

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philrootcrops goes to thailand

In a relentless pursuit of fostering the cassava industry's growth in the Visayas, a dynamic alliance between the Fatima Multi-Purpose Cooperative (FMPC), VSU PhilRootcrops, and Agriterra recently ventured to Bangkok, Thailand.

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Tribute to Ma'am Meling

In another devastating blow to the VSU community, we are all saddened by the passing of Dr. Emiliana N. Bernardo, one of our important institution builders who built this university from the ground up.

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ABE topnotcher 2023

It is a common notion that when someone tops the boards, people get curious and ask about the secrets in the hopes of replicating them. But, as for this #ProudViscan topnotcher, there is no top formula that made him land the third spot in the September 2023 Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers Licensure Examination.

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SUA 2023

To our dearest Vice Presidents of the VSU system, the Directors of our ever-growing research units, our dynamic department heads, other members of the University Administrative and Academic Council, the Chancellors of our component campuses in Alangalang, Isabel, Tolosa, and Villaba, and the Deans of the Graduate School and Students, to our alumni who are here and watching us via our livestream, our administrative support staff, beloved students, guests, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant afternoon to all of you.

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5th UC Faculty Forum

To sustain agriculture despite the changing climate, Visayas State University (VSU) and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Studies and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) jointly spearheaded the annual gathering of faculty researchers who are members of the University Consortium (UC) to share meaningful dialogue through academic and research expertise.

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