News / Obelisk

For three consecutive years, VSU has registered a 100% passing rate in the Nursing Licensure Exam (NLE). This year, all ten takers successfully passed the nursing board.

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Christmas season at Visayas State University has officially started.

VSU kicks off the Yuletide Season with the annual Christmas Lighting Ceremony at the main campus entrance on Tuesday, December 04, 2018.

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VSU geodetic engineering students led a coastal cleanup, adopting 4Ocean’s worldwide initiative of cleaning up the ocean and coastlines, in Barangays Pangasugan and Guadalupe, Baybay City on Saturday, November 24, 2018.

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SAKURA. Filipino fellows of the Kyoto University-hosted Sakura Science Exchange Program pose outside the Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

The Sakura Science Exchange Program is an initiative of the Japanese government through its Science and Technology Agency (JST).

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Different student organizations of the Visayas State University launched the “KapaligiRUN” challenge for the victims of Naga City, Cebu landslide in the upper oval campus, November 24, 2018.

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A total of 22 Viscans successfully passed the November 2018 Civil Engineer Licensure Exam, garnering an institutional passing average of 66.67% for VSU, with a 68.75% rate for first-time takers.

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