News / Obelisk


The Phi Delta Science Society (PDSS) of VSU conducted a writeshop to help junior researchers publish in refereed journals, June 6-9, at the Multimedia Development Center. 

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After finding a lost purse around the Registrar's office area in the Administration Building, four junior HRTM students turned over the valuable item for the Office of the President’s care and asked for help to find its owner.

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The VSU Alumni Association Inc. (VSUAAI) recognized six outstanding alumni of the university who have an exemplary track record in leading various institutions.

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The country’s communication researchers, media practitioners, and political analysts converged at VSU for the national conference of the Philippine Association of Communication Educators (PACE), June 1-3.

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If you did not attend the homecoming, here’s what you missed:

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A group of research partners from the Root Crops Research and Development Center (RCRDC) of Vietnam Academy of Agriculture Research, Vietnam recently had a Study Mission on Taro/Root Crops Research in the Philippines.

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It has long been a dilemma of members of the student council to encourage active participation of students to extra-curricular activities. Faced by a difficulty, student officers have resorted into collecting fines from students who do not attend important assemblies.

Although widely practiced by organizations in the university, collecting fines has faced a lot of criticism. Now, the College of Engineering (CoE) has found a way around the problem by hitting two birds with one stone. The solution: donations, not fines.

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Elementary and high school classrooms can look fun and colorful, and not all boring, too! That’s what the College of Education exhibit tells you.

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Victims of supertyphoon Yolanda (Haiyan) still need more livelihood options and additional sources of income.  

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