16th International Summer School

With the longtime partnership of VSU and Hiroshima University in Japan, another two faculty members from the Department of Animal Science and the College of Veterinary Medicine, along with four students, were sent to join the 16th International Summer School

Dr. Cyrill John P. Godinez, together with his graduate student Manuel Salvador J. Aras, Jr. (MS in Animal Science) and senior animal science student Carla M. Cabardo, and Dr. Ana Marquiza M. Quilicot, along with her 6th year veterinary medicine students Thereza Marie L. Cahig and Joshua Daniel G. Kaw, participated in the summer school program that fosters knowledge and skills sharing among international partner universities, hosted by the Graduate School of Biosphere Science in Hiroshima University.

Among the activities the VSU team attended was the International Symposium on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and took part in the Science Program Work, which exposed the participants to different cutting-edge technologies with hands-on activities. 

The VSU team visited four state-of-the-art laboratories under the Integrative Hydrosphere Science Program, Applied Animal and Plant Science Program, Food Science Program, and Molecular Agro-life Science Program of Hiroshima University.


Both Dr. Godinez and Dr. Quilicot took part in the International Symposium and presented their research papers. Dr. Godinez presented his paper on Molecular Genetic Characterization of Farm Animal Genetic Resources (FAnGR) in the Philippines: FAO Strategic Priority for Global Action for FAnGR. 

Meanwhile, Dr. Quilicot presented her paper on VSU-CVM’s Impact to Sustainable Development Goals through Animal Health Research and Extension Activities.

“I presented about CVM’s contribution to the attainment of SDGs through its research and extension activities. For research, I am working on antimicrobial resistance of poultry pathogens, parasites of poultry, animal welfare, and Philippine domestic cat behavior and management. For extension-IEC on rabies, responsible pet ownership, and mass vaccination,” Dr. Quilicot shared.

The students participated in the poster presentation, wherein Cahig presented her paper on the application of a modified animal-based welfare assessment tool for intensive goat farms in Leyte, Philippines. Cabardo and Aras showcased their paper on phenotypic and molecular genetic characterization of local mallard ducks in Southern Leyte based on mitochondrial DNA.


The summer school ran from September 9 to 13, 2024, and was attended by faculty members and students from Indonesia, Japan, Brazil, and the Philippines.

[This article aligns with Sustainable Development Goals No: 4 (Quality Education) and 15 (Life on Land).]

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