Student leaders in action: CET Student Council inaugurates new office
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- Written by Marianne C. Bayron
Published: 16 November 2023

The proposed project from the previous College of Engineering and Technology Supreme Student Council (CET-SSC) to have a separate office building is now a reality.
This initiative was a joint effort of past officers from the former CoE-SSC, now CET-SSC, and the former college dean, Dr. Roberto C. Guarte, back in 2016. However, due to a lack of funding, construction could not proceed. It was not until 2019 that construction finally commenced. The funding for the building construction was from CET through Dr. Guarte.
Unfortunately, the structure was halted because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The construction of the office progressed gradually in 2020 due to COVID protocols, and the building was eventually completed in 2021. The CET-SSC office was first occupied by the officers from the 2022-2023 term.
The present council members of CET-SSC with their president Carl Jasper L. Obillo unveiled their office’ new facade which is designed for greater visibility, so students can easily locate their building. The construction of the facade was one of his proposed projects for this academic year.
“Before seeking election, this initiative was already a core component of my proposed platform. It was evident that numerous students, both within and outside the college, encountered difficulty locating the CET-SSC Office due to inadequate signage or the absence of its name. This project aims not only to establish a clear identity for the office but also to enhance its exterior design, benefiting students and improving accessibility,” he said.
According to CET-SSC President Obillo, aside from their new facade, the inside partition of the building is still in progress and underway. Also, this year’s council initiated a project on putting up coffee and water vending machines that students can avail of daily.
“Apart from meeting the students' demands, another reason is that one of the council's goals is to transform the office into not just a space for various organizations to conduct meetings and transactions but also a place where students can stay or relax, easily accessing water and coffee without having to go to the cafeteria or market," he continued.
Only recently, the CET student council in collaboration with other organizations under their college donated 34 repaired chairs to Marcos Elementary School.
CET-SSC President Obillo acknowledges the efforts of the former student council in their college for the new building that they enjoy using now. He highlighted that these developments encourage them to work further on more projects that will benefit the students.
“First and foremost, all credit goes to the previous CoE/CET-SSC Officers for initiating the construction of an office solely for the council, and to the former and current deans of the College of Engineering and Technology for granting that request. I'd also like to express gratitude to our advisers, Engr. John Allan A. Gulles and Mr. Daniel C. Lor, and, of course, the active members of the council for their collective insights and efforts in turning our plans into reality (facade and other projects). I feel incredibly privileged to have this office, especially considering it's the first well-established student leader's office at VSU. This truly inspires the council to continually work on initiatives that benefit the students within the college,” he concluded.