IP Awareness Training Workshop

To strategically increase the volume of patent applications and publications and protect the intellectual property (IP) of VSU, the Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, and Innovation (OVPREI), through the Innovation Office and Innovation & Technology Support Office (ITSO/IP), organized an awareness seminar on intellectual property and patent search training for its employees.

Faculty members from the university’s colleges and offices attended the four-day training, which is designed to deliver an in-depth understanding of the patent system and to enhance awareness of the critical importance of safeguarding intellectual property rights for innovators.

In his welcome remarks, Dr. Santiago T. Peña Jr., the Vice President for Research, Extension, and Innovation, emphasized that VSU has a strong commitment to supporting commercialization and innovation within its research offices.


Participants learned the overview of the Intellectual Property (IP) system, covering key topics such as copyright, trademarks, patents, and international patent classification. They also delved into the structure and substance of patent documents, the requirements for patentability, and how to transform research into patent applications. 

The event concluded with a hands-on session where participants drafted patent documents and presented their work (patent draft).


The workshop, held from October 7, 9 to 11, enhanced participants' knowledge of patent drafting, a pivotal skill they can apply in their research and technology development efforts.

[This article aligns with Sustainable Development Goals No: 4 (Quality Education), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure).]

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