The Search for Outstanding Viscans for VSU Grand Centennial Celebration
- Details
- Written by Corazon A. Padilla
Published: 23 January 2024

The Search for Outstanding Viscans is a special set of recognitions for the VSU Grand Centennial Celebration given to alumni who have made exemplary contributions in any of the following categories:
- Public Service and Governance
- Peace and Security
- Community Empowerment and Human Development
- Social Responsibility and Philanthropy
- Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
- Entrepreneurship and Livelihood Generation
- Culture and the Arts
- Science, Technology, and Innovation
- Educational Leadership and Management
- Excellence in Sports
This special set of recognitions will be awarded during the concluding ceremony of the University to be held on the evening of April 27, 2024, to pay tribute to exceptional Viscans who provided service to the community and the greater national and global society.
- The search is open to all interested alumni of the Visayas State University (and its former names: LSU, ViSCA, VAC, BNAS).
- Interested alumni may apply or be nominated by another person. Post-humus nominations are accepted.
- The applicant or nominator shall fill out the form in the designated online portal.
- The evaluation criteria are as follows:
- Service and impact to humanity (30%)
The nominee/applicant has made significant humanitarian contributions to the community relevant to the award category being applied/nominated to; greatly impacted the community through his/her actions, and/or is involved in a variety of service initiatives. Contributions made by the nominee/applicant have had a broad influence beyond the scope of that person’s place of employment. - Leadership Quality (30%)
The nominee/applicant has demonstrated effective and inspiring leadership under the award category being applied/nominated to. - Professional Excellence (30%)
The nominee/applicant has demonstrated professional excellence in terms of contributions, accomplishments, awards, and recognitions under the award category being applied/nominated to. - Integrity (10%)
The nominee/applicant has demonstrated honesty and adherence to ethical and sound moral principles. He or she must not have been convicted/has no pending administrative, civil, and/or criminal cases.
- Service and impact to humanity (30%)
- Applicant/nominator shall fill out the application/nomination form in the designated online portal. Scanned copies of the following supporting documents should be uploaded to the portal:
- Curriculum Vitae or Resume of the applicant or nominee
- Proofs of accomplishments, awards, recognitions, and other documents relevant to the award category being applied/nominated to (i.e. appointments, certifications, photos of trophies, news clips and other online articles, video features like documentary films, YouTube links, and other online evidences of awards and recognitions, among others)
- The deadline for submission of all required documents including attached proofs and evidence is on or before February 29, 2024.
- The online submission portal can be accessed from this link:
For nominators:
For direct applicants: