
Extension of Student Visa Checklist

Conversion to Student Visa Checklist

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Course Number and Descriptive Title                                                                          Units

Major Courses – 21 units (minimum)

BOTN205 – Photophysiology                                                                                 3

BOTN211 – Bryology                                                                                               3

BOTN213 – Advanced Plant Physiology                                                              3

BOTN215 – Pteridology                                                                                          3  

BOTN217 – Stress Physiology of Plants                                                              3

BOTN219 – Wetland Ecology                                                                                 3

BOTN241 – Advanced Plant Systematics                                                           3

BOTN243 – Advanced Phycology                                                                         3

BOTN206 – Developmental Plant Anatomy                                                        3

BOTN212 – Ecology of Aquatic Fungi                                                                  3

BOTN214 – Systematics of Grasses and Legumes                                           3

BOTN216 – Plant-Water Relations                                                                        3

BOTN222 – Plant Communities and Ecosystems                                              3

BOTN242 – Advances in Plant Ecology                                                                3

BOTN292 – Cell Ultrastructure                                                                               3

BOTN294 – Methods in Plant Systematics                                                          3


Minor/Cognate Courses – 9 units (courses from another field of specialization)

BOTN299 – Graduate Seminar                                                                               1

BOTN300 – Master’s Thesis                                                                                   6


Major                                         ___ 21

Minor/Cognate                        ___ 9

Graduate Seminar                   ___ 1

Master’s Thesis                       ___ 6

Total No. of Units Required:        37


a) Not more than 6 units of 100 level courses may be credited for the degree program

b) Odd and even numbered courses are offered during the first and second semester of the school year, respectively.

c) After the first term, graduate students are required to form their Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) and prepare their Plan of Course Work (PCW). Forms can be secured at the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.

Foreign Students Admission Application Form_v1 on Scribd

International Faculty-Researcher Form

EU Grad Students.jpg


As a global university, the Visayas State University is attracting outstanding foreign nationals to study, conduct research, and serve as visiting professors and researchers.

As of late, VSU has awarded degrees to students from the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia. A number of students from Australia, Europe, and Southeast Asia were also here to enrich their learning experiences by attending specialized classes and to conduct research.

Given the rich insights provided by VSU to foreign students, its partnership with universities abroad, and the natural beauty of the campus, VSU expects a bigger number of international students studying and conducting research students. It also hopes to attract more visiting professors and researchers to come to boost the current manpower of the university.


Prospective Students

A guide for foreign students who wish to enroll at VSU.



Outbound Viscans

The University has partnered with various international institutions for research, and faculty and student exchange.

  • Student Exchange
  • Internships
  • Faculty and Staff Exchange



Visiting Faculty/Researchers

VSU welcomes faculty/researchers from the different partner institutions who want to visit and work with VSU.

  • Application Requirements
  • Immigration Requirements



University Services

The University offers a range of services that are vital to students and the VSU community as a whole.



University Information

Here’s what you need to know about the university and its activities.



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