Outgoing student regent’s aspiration: A new and better USSC
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Published: 26 July 2017

Outgoing President of the University Supreme Student Council (USSC) had changed the title of what used to be called “TIME congress”, a leadership retooling workshop, in the hopes of bringing across the studentry an image of a new and better USSC.
TIME congress, which is an acronym of four leadership ideals, is now referred to as the Student Leadership Congress (SLC), Student Regent Mark Unlu-cay said.
“This new branding sets a fresh start for those newly-elected officers who will sit in the council this school year 2017-2018. Changing its name would be a renewed hope for a new and better USSC,” said Unlu-cay.
Last year, the TIME congress, headed by former student regent Dexter Relevo, took the theme, Train, Initiate, Manage, Explore.
The newly branded congress of future student leaders, Unlu-cay said, aims to erase people’s views of a faulty, costly, and debt-ridden event.
In partnership with the Kaya Natin Youth Leadership Academy (KYLA), SLC focused on activities that bring about the importance of creating and being leaders who are ethical, empowering and effective agents of positive change in the country. KAYLA organized activities and sessions on competencies, values-building, reflection, and introspection.
Former Daet Mayor Tito Sarte Sarion and former Southern Leyte Governor Rosette Yniquez-Lerias graced SLC with their personal stories while doing public service.
Partnership with KAYLA will be sustained even after the SLC, Unlu-cay disclosed.
“KYLA is looking forward for another partnership….after the congress, they (CSSC members) will organize a series of activities for them to share the things that they learned here with their respective colleges and campuses,” said Unlu-cay.
Former president’s farewell
Unlu-cay gave his words of inspiration to the new leaders of the council.
“It’s always a challenge for you to leave a mark in every position you have. Lead and serve. Continue to do what you believe is right and continue to progress. We may come from different campuses, but we are one family. Serve the students with utmost sincerity and commitment," said Unlu-cay.
College of Engineering’s President, John Allan Gulles was elected as the new USSC President. He will represent the VSU studentry in the VSU Board of Regents, the highest governing body of the university.
The newly elected officers for the S.Y. 2017-2018 will be officially introduced to the student body during the USSC’s first general assembly this first semester.