
The Department of Business Management (DBM) was created upon approval of Board Resolution No. 23 series of 2001 by the Board of Regents on November 14, 2001. The Department started in 1976 as an agribusiness section of the former Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (DAEA) of the then, Visayas State College of Agriculture.


Center of excellence in business management education and research in the Visayas.


Attainment of highest quality of human capital and scientific knowledge in business management for the sustained growth and development of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and agro-industries.


  • Produce competent managerial and entrepreneurial graduates to serve the development needs of agro-industries in the Visayas.
  • Provide management support in generating production and processing technologies and its commercialization;
  • Establish linkages, partnerships, and collaborations with government and private institutions and other business management schools.


Before becoming an Institute for Strategic Research and Development Studies on January 1, 2002, it was popularly known as the Center for Social Research in Small Farmer Development (CSR). CSR was established on September 5, 1981 by virtue of Board of Trustees Resolution No. 50.

The CSR grew out of the experiences of the Community Extension Service (CES) which started in 1975 as a Social Laboratory to carry out the extension activities and other community-based projects of the Visayas State College of Agriculture now Visayas State University. In 1980, the CES was renamed as Extension Research and Development Division or ERDD when the College extension program expanded. One year later, ERDD became the Center for Social Research in Small Farmer Development which is now named The Institute for Strategic Research and Development Studies.


A technically and socially competent and empowered human resource, who, as a community, is able to transform and equitably share in the benefits of a modern Philippine agriculture and fisheries sector from a resource-based to a technology-based, globally competitive, and sustainable industry.


To effectively transform rural institutions required in agriculture and rural modernization through high quality and relevant human resource development, research, and extension.


  • Foster redistributive justice and advance socio-economic equity by enhancing equal access to and control of local resources and services through strategic research, extension and development, and high quality and relevant higher educatio
  • Identify and cultivate institutional capacities for efficient rural development management through human resource improvement and provision of credible data as bases for sound decision-making.
  • Promote critical sociopolitical and economic analyses to achieve positive transformation for lasting development.
  • Stimulate people power development as a potent force in shaping, mobilizing, and carrying out democratic local decision-making processes through effective implementation ofinstruction, research, and extension


  • Conduct strategic research and policy studies in rural development.
  • Develop new extension methods in mobilizing rural communities.
  • Develop high quality human resources needed for agriculture and fisheries modernization.

Join clubs and organizations that will give you more support in developing your potential and honing your skills. Plus, you will also gain more friends. 


The Physical Education and Health Majors Club is a course-related organization recognized by the University Student Services Office. It's services are focused on performing and initiating activities related to physical education and health. Members are equipped with the knowledge and skills in conducting sports and dance clinics with support from the Institute of Human Kinetics. 



Any female college student enrolled at VSU can join this group. Level of expertise and experience are not required. This club is open to all who are at the very least, interested in playing football. This is a club different from the VSU Football Varsity Team but we practice with them. No pressure. Just plain fun and a little competition. 

This VSU Style Manual for Graduate Manuscripts is intended toThis VSU Style Manual for Graduate Manuscripts is intended toprovide graduate faculty and graduate students with a helpful referenceand guide on how to write a thesis or dissertation manuscript and anarticle for publication in a refereed journal. It includes an overview,standard procedure in the approval of the manuscript, writing themanuscript and citing references in the text.It also presents a wide range of style regulations, from specifyingtext to the presentation of tables and figures, from specifying margins tothe exact spacing of section headings, from rules on page numbers toprescribing the set of pages/sections that must be included in everydissertation/thesis. All regulations specified in this manual must besatisfied in order for a dissertation or thesis to be approved by the Graduate School. It has also an active link for samples where graduatestudents can access and easily follow in writing their manuscript.We hope that this manual will be of great help to all our graduatestudents especially in processing their thesis or dissertation manuscripts.

BOR Approved VSU Style Manual For Graduate Manuscripts


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