News / Obelisk

The VSU Alumni Association Inc. (VSUAAI) recognized six outstanding alumni of the university who have an exemplary track record in leading various institutions.

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If you did not attend the homecoming, here’s what you missed:

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It has long been a dilemma of members of the student council to encourage active participation of students to extra-curricular activities. Faced by a difficulty, student officers have resorted into collecting fines from students who do not attend important assemblies.

Although widely practiced by organizations in the university, collecting fines has faced a lot of criticism. Now, the College of Engineering (CoE) has found a way around the problem by hitting two birds with one stone. The solution: donations, not fines.

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The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized VSU as center of excellence, and development in three programs, May 17, at the CHEd auditorium in Manila.

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Victims of supertyphoon Yolanda (Haiyan) still need more livelihood options and additional sources of income.  

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VSU President Dr. Edgardo Tulin and his family, friends, and colleagues gathered May 15, for the blessing of the newly-renovated presidential cottage.

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