CME celebrates 5th Founding Anniversary
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- Written by SMCLemos
Published: 11 April 2015

The VSU’s College of Management and Economics (CME), headed by Dr. Antonio P. Abamo, celebrated its 5th Founding Anniversary from February 28-March 11, 2015 anchored on the theme “CME @ 5: Moving on with Responsiveness, Resilience and Relevance in the Changing Climate and Economy.”
The pre-celebration kicked-off with a conference on Business Conference and Strategy Innovation on February 28 which was handled by the class-related organizations of the Society of Agribusiness Students and BRAVO, and the parade and opening program on March 2, 2015 facilitated by the CME Supreme Student Council.
The week-long activity concluded with the anniversary convocation at the VSU Convention Hall graced by Dr. Cielito F. Habito, Chief of Party, USAID Trade Related Assistance for Development (TRADE) Project in the Philippines.
Other activities during the anniversary were Trade Fair, Enterprise Resource Planning Workshop, YES Night, HIV Awareness Seminar facilitated by the members of H.O.P.E., and an Entrepreneurship Forum with distinguished guest speaker, Engr. Johnny A. Khong Hun, CEO/President of Salinas Corporation. SMCLemos