VSU Tolosa continues to establish itself as one of the top criminology schools in Eastern Visayas, exceeding the national passing rate in the February 2025 Criminologists Licensure Examination. 

With an 85.60% passing rate among its 107 first-time examinees, well-above the national average of 60.51%, VSU Tolosa secured a second place under Category A (for schools with 100 or more first-time examinees) as recognized by the Professional Criminologists Association of the Philippines Integrated Professional Organization-Region VII (PCAP IPO-Region VIII). 

Out of 125 total examinees, 115 #ProudViscans from VSU Tolosa passed the licensure exam, achieving an institutional passing rate of 74.68%. 

The PCAP IPO-Region VIII, led by Regional Governor Dr. Eleazar S. Balbada, recognized VSU Tolosa for this achievement for its role in shaping future professionals in law enforcement and criminal justice. 

VSU Tolosa Chancellor Dr. Quenstein D. Lauzon expressed her pride in the examinees and the entire university. 

“We are very proud of our new Criminologists. Their success comes from their hard work and the support they received and this achievement was made possible by the efforts of our students, faculty and staff, the entire VSU Tolosa academic community,” Dr. Lauzon said.

Here are the 115 alumni who passed the February 2025 Criminologists Licensure Examination:

Assyl Mae G. Abatias Victor M. Manatad, Jr. 
Felix L. Abuyabor Karen Rose S. Maquilan
Raul C. Ador, Jr. Clint Jake A. Mara
Gio O. Adrales Jerelyn Kaye G. Matutes
Ismael O. Advincula Jon Vincent L. Mendones
Jay Russel A. Agabe Roldan R. Miano
Edmar E. Almeria, Jr.  Allen Paul L. Miranda
Anthony Ivan B. Amante Arlyn G. Montilla
Jefferson N. Angeles Rhoda M. Montolo
Ronalyn P. Animos C-Jay C. Monton
AJ Mark L. Arguta John Guiller A. Murillo
Deo A. Avestruz Zaira Z. Narido
John Dave C. Baguio Divine Grace H. Navara
Kyle Dominica C. Barbosa Jeffrey M. Nedera
Jan Carlos S. Bargula Marlon Obio
Riza Mae Jane B. Bernal Drichel Jude O. Ocaña
Bharon G. Briones Renel Ivan G. Ohagan
Niño Mark V. Caalim Ralph Justine A. Olindan
Kier L. Cabias Jane Coleen K. Openiano
Archie Calderon John Denver S. Openiano
Reyca Mae H. Camposano Charisse S. Orbeta
John Ian P. Castañeda Michael Anthony B. Padel
Ma. Locel D. Catapal Apolinario Padillo
Reschalyn L. Catudio Ronalyn N. Padual
Jet M. Cayubit Danissa T. Paimalan
John Paul C. Cinco Jona Mie M. Parto
Justmin B. Cinco Norleighn Venus B. Pelicano
Marieth O. Cinoc Albert R. Peñeda
Vhan Lester Y. Cinco Mike P. Petilla
Mary Rose B. Claro John Michael E. Pico
Thalia C. Colminar Angelo G. Pulga
John Lloyd Copino Angelo G. Pulga
Juliuos Feliciano A. Corregidor Aldrin L. Ramirez
Ma. Kryzel A. Cuenza Rachel B. Ramirez
Noly L. Cultura Johnroe A. Refuerzo
Angielyn Danao Kristle Ann A. Regis
Precious C. Delfin Emaculada B. Remollo
Carmela J. Duarte Bryanneth Ann F. Requiez
Jhon Rocky P. Efren Danica Mae S. Roa
Reina Lyn E. Ending Daryn S. Roa
Ma. Catherine T. Francisco Marvin O. Rodio
Christian Rey E. Galano Jan Keanu M. Samborio
Ina Jamica M. Gara Mark John Alexis C. Siuagan
Calvin P. Garcia Jalal D. Sultan
Divine Grace L. Gerilla Mark Lloyd S. Sungcados
John Earl O. Gil Marjorie B. Supitran
Jonna Mae B. Guillera Nestor G. Susaya, Jr. 
Mark David G. Iglesias Jotham Viktor T. Suyom
Biembesse Au R. Inabangan Dinn Jie E. Terado
Jonathan R. Inapusong, Jr.  Gwen C. Tobias
Michaela R. Lagahit Ma. Crisanta D. Tobilla
Jayvee C. Landrito Blanche R. Tupaz
Mark Julius M. Lauzon Matt Vincent I. Tupaz
Erica S. Lerios Marjorie Fiel Uribe
Jerleen S. Maat Danilloyd M. Valiente
John Kenneth A. Maat Charlene D. Venigas
Christina Mae J. Macapanas Shawn Jeffrey P. Versoza
Franco V. Macapanas  

VSU Tolosa remains focused on producing highly skilled criminology professionals who are well-prepared to contribute to the country's evolving criminal justice system. 

With the success in the February 2025 Criminologists Licensure Examination, VSU Tolosa maintains its standing as one of the leading institutions in criminology education in Region 8 and beyond. 

This article is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) No. 4: Quality Education

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