IUCP 2024

Visayas State University (VSU) has been singled out by the University of Ghent (UGent) in Belgium as a partner for the Institutional University Cooperation Project (IUCP). Recently, university officials met with the Belgian professors to discuss how the program will be implemented in the coming years.

From August 16-20, VSU leaders underwent a series of workshops focused on identifying potential steps for phases of IUCP.

Planning sessions commenced with a meeting between VSU President, Prof. Dr. Ivy G. Yepes and other university key officials, and the Belgian delegation which included Prof. Peter Goethals, Prof. Olivier Thas, and VSU alumna, now UGent faculty, Dr. Marie Anne Eurie Forio.

IUC is a project initiated by the Flemish Interuniversity Council–University Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS), an organization of Flemish universities promoting partnership opportunities like scholarship programs and joint projects with academic institutions from different parts of the globe.

IUCP may lead to a long-term collaboration between VSU and UGent, aiming to empower the university’s role in development.

“Empowering the local university as [an] institution to better fulfill its role as [a] development actor in society,” VLIR-UOS stated on their website.


This partnership between VSU and UGent in Belgium could mark a major milestone in VSU’s goal to advance research, education, and extension programs. 

UGent, renowned for its outstanding science, humanities, engineering, and medicine programs, is set to partner with VSU, which is known for its excellence in agriculture and allied sciences. 

During the meeting, it was emphasized that one of the university's prime concerns is the conservation of natural resources and sustainable development. By prioritizing these values, VSU can set a powerful example for other institutions and neighboring communities.

“I would also like to emphasize natural resources conservation and sustainable development. We have this as our priority, which we can showcase and open to other universities, like communities we serve,” Pres. Yepes added.


Once it is implemented, it is expected to enhance the academic environment in the university and open up more opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students to benefit from world-class education and research collaborations.

Through IUCP, research and projects will be presented in a new light, providing valuable opportunities for research and economic growth. 

“If we make like a value change of potential projects that you will get out from your primary products then you will generate an enormous input,” Prof. Goethals pointed.

UGent is not new to the university. In fact, some VSU graduates had previous collaborations with UGent, including those who have pursued master’s and doctoral degrees there and joint research projects undertaken by both institutions.


This partnership may strengthen institutional policies, improve facilities, foster innovative projects, and aid VSU’s research to participate in larger discussions through linkages with international institutions.

“It's so timely that we're having a new direction and that will move further with the excellence that we did, you know, projecting to the whole world [to be] known not only in this region, or country but also, to produce impacts from the research outputs, from the knowledge that we generate and the innovations and technologies that we produce,” Pres. Yepes added.

Looking ahead, IUCP has the potential to be a groundbreaking journey for VSU over the next 12 years.

A highlight of the sessions was a tour of VSU’s research centers and laboratories, allowing in-depth consultations with university stakeholders and local partners to explore collaboration opportunities and address potential challenges. 

All photos are courtesy of Arjun Jay Libato and Hana Lyn Yokingco

[This article aligns with Sustainable Development Goals No: 4 (Quality Education), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), and 17 (Partnership for the Goals).]


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