AdMU collabs with VSU on gender, climate and disaster resilience research
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- Written by Ulderico B. Alviola
Published: 06 July 2021

Transdisciplinarity—a strategy that crosses many disciplinary boundaries to create a holistic approach in understanding a particular research problem.
This is the main goal of a partnership inked between the Visayas State University (VSU) and the Ateneo De Manila University (AdMU) to institutionalize gender, climate, and disaster resilience research in the teaching, research, and extension functions of the university.
This research collaboration will strengthen VSU’s capacity to implement transdisciplinary research, develop a research and publication agenda, organize joint conferences with AdMU, and publish its research findings.
A virtual signing was held on June 30, 2021, between VSU President Dr. Edgardo E. Tulin and AdMU President Fr. Roberto C. Yap S.J. together with CCARPH Project Leader Dr. Emma E. Porio.
The newly created VSU Gender Resource Center (GRC) will be the lead implementer of this research collaboration on behalf of VSU for the next three years.
Prof. Maria AuroraTabada, GRC Head, expressed her excitement in the formalization of this partnership between VSU and AdMU.
“We have been engaging with Ateneo since 2014 but this is the first time that we have formalized our partnership with them. Considering our vulnerability to natural hazards in the region, I see that this is a great opportunity for VSU researchers to access the expertise of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology (DSA) especially in the area of social vulnerability analysis,” Prof. Tabada said.
According to Dr. Emma E. Porio, finding the connection between gender, climate, and disaster resilience is one of the important research interests of CCARPH as the interplay among these three issues is rarely interrogated together.
The Project Leader of CCARPH also added that the various VSU units—namely the Institute for Strategic Research and Development Studies (ISRDS), the Regional Climate Change Research and Development Center (RCCRDC), and the Philippine Root Crops Research and Training Center (PhilRootcrops)—working together will be the perfect partnership for doing transdisciplinary research.
For the AdMU President Fr. Roberto C. Yap S.J., their engagement with VSU is a significant step towards achieving a national understanding and solving the complex problem of climate and disaster risk.
“Together with VSU, we hope that we can find sustainable and gender-based solutions to the many problems that beset our country because of disasters. We in the Ateneo de Manila look forward to a future collaboration for the next three years and beyond for the sake of our country and of our people,” Fr. Yap shared.
In response, VSU President Edgardo E. Tulin emphasized the importance of embedding gender mainstreaming in the overall operations of the university.
“In VSU, we are beginning to better appreciate the importance of applying a gender lens in all of our projects. In fact, when we craft any project for funding, gender responsiveness has always been incorporated in the proposals especially that this is already a requirement for many government-funded projects,” Dr. Tulin revealed.
Witnessing the online signing ceremony were: Dr. Fabian Antonio Dayrit (Professor Emeritus of ADMU Department of Chemistry); Dr. Jose Jowel Canuday (Chair, ADMU-DSA); Dr. Maria Elissa Lao (Director, ADMU Gender and Development Office); Prof. Tabada (Head, VSU-GRC); Dr. Maria Juliet Ceniza (VSU Vice President for Research, Extension, and Innovation) Atty. Rysan Guinocor (VSU Chief Legal Officer); Dr. Allen Glennie Lambert (VSU Executive Secretary); Ms. Elsa Umpad (VSU Administrative Officer); Mr. Kenneth Kim Roca (Research Assistant of VSU Integrated Media Center); and Ms. Patricia Diana Ayo (Research Assistant of CCARPH).