In Belgium, VSU statistics head benchmarks UHasselt’s stat masters program
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Published: 29 November 2019

Dr. Norberto E. Milla, associate professor and head of Visayas State University’s Department of Statistics, went to Belgium for a three-week education and research visit at the Universiteit Hasselt (UHasselt) on November 4-23, 2019.
Funded by Global Minds program, the activity aimed to benchmark the best practices implemented by UHasselt’s Master of Statistics program that can be used in developing VSU’s own course modules for its implementation of MS in Statistics program.
The UHasselt’s Center of Statistics conducted a series of meetings that tackled statistics courses, tracks, and how to implement the program. The manners of evaluating learning outcomes were also discussed. The visit also included activities such as class observation and seminars organized by university faculty and postdoc students.
Dr. Milla also presented his paper entitled, Small Area Poverty Incidence Estimation with Sampling Error Variance Estimated using Generalised Variance Function. His presentation was streamed live at Leuven University.
UHasselt has been eyeing VSU to establish a testing center for the distance learning of its Master of Statistics degree and a joint offering program, a possible area of collaboration to improve research in the field of stat and capacity building for both universities.
In 2019, VSU and UHasselt signed a memorandum of understanding, agreeing on the (1) exchange of academic and administrative staff and students, (2) co-operation of research and presentation of results, (3) exchange of academic materials where possible, and (4) other educational exchanges to which both universities agree.