VSU foodtech trains students, Leyte food processors on quality control
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- Written by Lynette Cimafranca
Published: 29 November 2019

Visayas State University’s Food Science and Technology department (DFST) spearheaded a two-day seminar on the Basics of Quality Assurance and Control to food producers from Leyte on November 13 and 15, 2019.
DFST organized the event to introduce quality assurance and control systems not only to the processors but also to their graduate and undergraduate students.
“We also included graduate and undergraduate students [of the food technology program] because after attaining their degrees, they will be working in the food industry. Quality assurance and quality control are vital systems in the manufacturing of food products,” said DFST Head Dr. Ivy Emnace.
The seminar included lectures on the ‘Introduction to Quality Assurance and Control’, ‘Principles of Quality Assurance’, ‘Standardization and Organization Benefits’, and ‘Standard Tests for Quality Assessment’ presented by Dr. Lynette C. Cimafranca, Dr. Lorina A. Galvez, Dr. Jocelyn G. Daclag, and Dr. Ivy C. Emnace, respectively.
Food processors of Baybay City and Albuera who participated in the training at the DFST building include: Baybay City’s Bunga Women’s Association, National Coconut Research Center-Food Processing Section, Vacuum Fried Jackfruit Food Processors, and the Association of Empowered Women of Albuera (AEWA).
The event was part of the various activities lined up for the DFST-Extension Project, in cooperation with VSU’s Extension Office, the College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS), and the Philippine Association of Food Technologists - Kappa Student Chapter.