VSU Pres maintains a positive outlook for 2017
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- Written by Aliana Sarmiento
Published: 30 December 2016

Summing up the successful “firsts” that VSU had done in 2016, VSU President Dr. Edgardo E. Tulin maintains a positive outlook for the university in 2017. In his New Year’s message, Dr. Tulin sends his greetings of pleasure and hopes to what he treats as the “VSU family” in the upcoming year.
2016 wrap up
Year 2016, Dr. Tulin said, was an energizing time for the university.
“2016 is the year of opportunity for my first year of stewardship at our beloved institution,” said Dr. Tulin as he recalled how VSU had made many “firsts” this year. This include the academic calendar shift which persuaded more foreign students to study at VSU.
Dr. Tulin also recognized the contributions of VSU staff who passed away this year.
“We remember their dedication and hard work for VSU and we will honor them by making sure that our University will grow in the the coming days,” said Dr. Tulin. He said that he was highly pleased by the performance of the VSU workforce in bringing services to communities and stakeholders and that he he owes the sustainability of the university to them.
On leadership
Thankful for the love he receives not just from the VSU family but also from its partners, Dr. Tulin said he is inspired to take bolder steps in VSU’s programs. He is hopeful for the “great support [he] gets from the younger members of the VSU family.”
On one hand, Dr. Tulin said he is humbled by those who felt inspired by his leadership.
“A leader can only be effective if the support of his flock is sincere and fully appreciated. I am also humbled by those who felt inspired by my leadership and my capacity to motivate our future leaders and prime movers,” said Dr. Tulin.
Hopes for 2017
Familial unity, said Dr. Tulin, will make VSU soar higher.
“As we start the year 2017, let us continue to be a family united in making VSU soar to its full potential as a premier institution of higher education in the country,” the VSU president said.
Dr. Tulin reminds VSU’s faculty and staff members of the university’s responsibility of educating people and involving partner communities in development. Farmers and fisherfolk remains to be a part of Dr. Tulin’s platform.
“Let us pursue our dreams of developing science & technology-based solutions to help our farmers and fisherfolk uplift their respective lives,” said Dr. Tulin as he hopes for more opportunities in areas where VSU excels.
Dr. Tulin invites everyone to welcome the New Year with a positive outlook where improvement of oneself and of the university is cultivated.
Excited to start 2017 with the opening of the second semester of the school year, Dr. Tulin wishes everyone thus,
“On behalf of the VSU administration and the Tulin family, I wish everyone will have a very fruitful and productive New Year, full of God’s grace, love and bountiful blessings. God bless and more power to all of us!”