VFES marks 40th Founding Anniversary
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- Written by Visayas State University
Published: 23 December 2015

The ViSCA Foundation Elementary School (VFES) celebrated its 40th Founding Anniversary on October 6-8, 2015 with the theme “Developing young individuals by reinforcing that values are as precious as gems.”
The celebration kicked-off with a thanksgiving mass at the VSU Convention Hall and was immediately followed with a parade and opening program with playground demonstration and band exhibition at the VSU Lower Campus Oval Grounds.
Hitting two birds with one stone, the activities lined up on the second day were attuned to the Scouting Month celebration wherein the pupils enjoyed playing in the Larong Pinoy, Treasure Hunting, and other Parlor Games facilitated by the VFES teachers.
The major highlight of this year’s anniversary celebration was the search for Little Miss VFES in which the beauty-and-brains tilt comes once in every five years. It was participated in by eight cute young children from the Kindergarten to Grade Three.
Proclaimed winners in the pageant including the special awards were: Marian Grace C. Panonce – Little Miss VFES 2015 and Best in Talent; Bryssa Maye Nicole L. Makabenta – 1st Runner Up, Best in Gown, and Little Miss Avon; Loriene Grace B. Britos – 2nd Runner Up, Little Miss Photogenic, Best in Production Number, Best in Beach Wear, and Little Miss Popularity; Antoinette Josephine M. Siarez – 3rd Runner Up; and Ashanti Louise Caindoc – 4th Runner Up. The other candidates included: Mikelyn Gift Soriano, Nicole T. Roa, and Kira Munick P. Rapi.
Atty. Gwen Manuel P. Santiago, a VFES alumnus, served as the convocation speaker. Atty. Santiago had a recollection of his elementary days spent at VFES for the children to pick up and get inspiration. The speaker lauded the teachers for inculcating in the young minds of VFES pupils the correct values they should live when they grow up including their active participation in the curricular and extra-curricular activities, and teaching them to be independent. “VFES is a strong institution that could help them achieve their goals and ambition. VFES has a very big contribution of what I am today,” Atty. Santiago said.
VFES also recognized the sincerity and dedication of its faculty and staff as evident in the number of years they served the school. The Loyalty Award with certificate and monetary value attached to it were given to Rogelio A. Tabudlong – 30 years, Zenaida S. Mercurio – 29 years, and Corina M. Sacro – 15 years.
The activity was concluded with a Family Day among the parents, pupils and the teachers. Jesus Freddy M. Baldos