29 VSU graduate students avail of DOST-SEI Scholarship for AY 2015-2016
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- Written by JFMBaldos
Published: 24 September 2015

A total of 29 graduate students enrolled at the Visayas State University (VSU) Main Campus, composed of five (5) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and twenty-four (24) Master of Science (MS) students, have availed of the graduate scholarship under the Accelerated Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program –National Science Consortium (ASTHRDP-NSC) Component of the Department of Science and Technology through the Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI).
The Scholarship Agreement was signed by the grantees on August 6, 2015 at the VSU Office of the Vice President for Planning, Resource Generation and External Affairs (OVPPRGEA) with Dr. Victor B. Asio, Vice President for PRGEA and ASTHRDP-NSC Project Leader.
VSU, a member-institution of NSC, has the expertise, knowledge, facilities and resources, and is willing to undertake the activities related to the implementation of ASTHRDP.
NSC aims to develop, support and coordinate national programs to accelerate the development of high level human resources in basic, applied sciences and mathematics for the country’s sustainability and competitiveness.
The new scholars at VSU and their specific degrees and field of specializations being pursued are as follows: (Doctor of Philosophy) Getulio A. Barcenas, Jr. – Horticulture, Rosalia L. Briones – Horticulture, Peter June D. Dadios – Animal Science, John Paul R. Gapasin – Horticulture, and Leonard E. Lacostales – Horticulture; and (Master of Science) Ma. Gweneth M. Abit – Agronomy, Judy Q. Antona – Horticulture, Roger Roque E. Bustamante – Animal Science, Reyna Mae C. Caintic – Horticulture [Thesis Grantee], Maria Norfrelij J. Cuadra – Food Science and Technology, Wences Rey B. Dela Peña – Agronomy, Meg Aui O. Delmonte – Animal Science, Jo-an T. Ducducan – Soil Science, Roxanne C. Dy – Entomology, Snowie Jane C. Galgo – Soil Science, Nikko T. Gallo – Entomology, Lester Legaspi – Horticulture, Medardo Magdadaro, Jr. – Soil Science, Noe B. Mejasco – Animal Science, Sairen T. Olguera – Animal Science, Anne Gellie P. Pablo – Food Science and Technology, Nida B. Ratilla – Plant Protection, Gladys B. Rosales – Entomology, Michael Adonis M Sudaria – Horticulture [Thesis Grantee], Angel R. Sumalinog – Entomology, Ria Jayne A. Tabinas – Food Science and Technology, Demavanessa S. Tampus – Agronomy, Reciel Ann B. Tanaid – Food Science and Technology, and Glaiza L. Vallecera – Plant Pathology.
The scholars shall enjoy the following privileges: actual tuition and other school fees based on statement of account or official receipt; monthly living allowance of PhP17,000 for MS and PhP25,000 for Ph.D.; book allowance of PhP10,000 per academic year; an economic class round trip transportation allowance per academic year; group accident insurance; and outright thesis/dissertation allowance. However, they shall conduct their thesis/dissertation based on the approved R&D priorities of DOST.
The scholars are also obliged to render service in the Philippines, preferably in his/her region, along his/her field of training equivalent to the length of time that he/she enjoyed the graduate scholarship immediately upon completion of his/her MS/Ph.D. degree. JFMBaldos