ICP-WHO conducts water analysis training at VSU
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- Written by Visayas State University
Published: 17 September 2015

The Integrated Chemists of the Philippines (ICP), in coordination with ICP Leyte Cluster, recently conducted a Seminar–Training on Water Quality Testing and Analysis at the Visayas State University. Ms. Edna C. Mijares, External Vice President of ICP and CEO of Jefcor Laboratories, Inc., supervised the World Health Organization (WHO) funded activity as part of the Water Quality Monitoring (WQM) project entitled “Assessment and Strengthening of Water Laboratories in Yolanda–Affected Areas of Region 8”. It was participated in by 29 personnel from various laboratories in the region both in the government and private sectors who are involved in water analyses. Regional Department of Health, Provincial Health Offices in Eastern and Western Samar, Local Water Districts, Regional Department of Science and Technology, Ormoc City Health Office and Leyte Provincial Hospital with their sanitary inspectors and laboratory analysts/microbiologists joined with participants from the academe and industry.
Dr. Lily M. Varca, ICP Officer, assisted Ms. Mijares in giving lectures while Ms. Cynthia Dolores V. Godoy and Prof. Jesusito L. Lim facilitated the hands-on training on physico-chemical analyses and microbiological testing of selected water samples, respectively. Prof. Jacob Glenn F. Jansalin, ICP Leyte President; Dr. Candelario L. Calibo, ICP Leyte Internal VP; and Dr. Ma. Theresa P. Loreto, ICP Leyte Member, composed the local organizing committee.