OVPAF holds annual budget review
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- Written by SMCLemos
Published: 18 February 2015

The Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance (OVPAF) under the leadership of Dr. Roberto C. Guarte conducted the 2015 Budget Review on January 21, 2015 at the OVPAF Conference Room. The one-day activity aimed to review financial allocations and how to utilize them.
Dr. Guarte explained that the budget review is a requirement, especially for AACCUP evaluation, for it is assumed that at the beginning of the year, all the heads of units and offices of the University are aware of how much is the available budget and how it will be utilized. The budget review, according to Dr. Guarte, is also a venue to clarify and give some pieces of advice on some basic activities, specifically for the preparation of Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP). The heads of the different units are also briefed on the processing of their purchase requests/purchase orders.
In addition, Dr. Guarte mentioned that there is a need to look into the utilization of money allotted to different departments because, every year, the University allots a certain amount coming from the tuition fees so that faculty members have the chance to conduct research and extension activities. He requested the heads of the different units to really intensify the implementation of their approved research and extension projects. SMCLemos