Rules in conducting public presentation and forum for #TheNextVSUPresident
- Details
- Written by the VSU Board of Regents and University Secretary
Published: 13 February 2024

The whole VSU community is eager to hear and learn more about the three candidates who will vie for the role of Chief Steward of the university this year. This coming Friday, February 16, 2024, at 8 AM the highly anticipated Public Forum will commence at the RDE Hall. This event is open to the public and will also be livestreamed via the official Facebook page of VSU.
Here is the set of guidelines for the public presentation and forum administered by the VSU Board of Regents and the University Secretary:
A. General Rules
- The applicant shall appear before an audience composed primarily of representatives coming from the following sectors: the faculty union, the administrative union, the students, the alumni association, and the Community.
- Before the scheduled public forum or presentation, the aforementioned concerned sectors shall select from among themselves, representatives who shall act as the sector's representatives during the public forum.
- Before the presentations, sheets of paper will be made available to the audience for them to write their questions. These sheets of paper will be collected by the designated ushers.
- Proper decorum and professionalism shall be observed by everyone at all times during the presentation. Clapping of hands, applauding or any reaction from the audience during the presentation is strictly prohibited. It must only be done after each presentation.
- Only official materials featuring the candidates shall be allowed inside the venue. Streamers, tarpaulins, flyers, placards, leaflets or any other means to show support to any candidate will not be allowed.
- Only official photographers and videographers are allowed to take and upload photos and videos on social media, particularly of the candidates.
- The mobile phone of the audience shall be put into silent mode. If they need to call or answer a phone call, it should be done outside the venue.
- The mobile phones of the candidates must be deposited with the secretariat during the public forum and panel interview.
- The public forum may be streamed live via VSU's official Facebook page to have a wider audience, however, to avoid derogatory comments from the online audience, the Zoom chat room will be disabled throughout the forum.
- The SCP shall use an Evaluation Criteria Sheet (ANNEX C) to rate the applicant's presentation.
B. Presentation Rules
- The sequence of the individual presentation shall be determined by the drawing of lots. The emcee will announce the results of the drawing of lots.
- After the drawing of lots, there shall be a five-minute recess to give a chance to the first presenter to prepare, while the other candidates are ushered to a separate waiting area. In the waiting area, the other candidates will not have the opportunity to listen to the ongoing presentation.
- A candidate is given a maximum of 15 minutes for the entire presentation (e.g., a brief description of himself or herself and presenting to the public his or her vision, mission, and goals for Visayas State University).
- The candidates are allowed to use presentation software or presentation with the aid of any high-tech equipment, provided that they have submitted seven (7) printed copies of their presentation material to the SCP Secretariat at 11:00 AM on February 15, 2024.
- A timekeeper is assigned to remind a candidate, 5 and 2 minutes before the expiration of the 15 minutes given and another reminder at the expiration of the 15 minutes. A time monitor is also available.
C. Questions and Answer Rules
- After all the candidates have presented, there shall be a 15-minute break.
- To avoid inappropriate queries, which shall be derogatory to the applicant, the SCP shall screen questions from the audience.
- Each sectoral representative is allowed to directly ask the questions to the candidates. Sectoral representative is entitled to a maximum of three (3). It should be emphasized that the three (3) questions include follow-up questions.
- The order of answering the first question will follow the result of the drawing of lots earlier. For the next questions, the candidates will take turns in who will answer first. That is, the first question will be answered first by Candidate 1, the second question will be answered first by Candidate 2, and so on.
- Each candidate is given two (2) minutes to answer a question. No overtime is allowed. The buzzer may be sounded after two minutes time.
- A timekeeper is assigned to keep tabs on the time. A reminder will be given at the expiration of the 2 minutes.
- The sequence of the interview will be determined by the drawing of lots.
- Each of the applicants shall be interviewed using a set of predetermined questions formulated and agreed upon with the SCP and rated accordingly using an evaluation criteria sheet in ANNEX "C" of the CMO No. 07, S. 2022: Revised IRR of RA 8292.
- Each member of the SCP shall be allowed to ask a minimum of three (3) questions. Each question, however, may be followed by another clarificatory question.
- Questions related, but not limited to the following areas may be asked during the individual interview:
4.1 Leadership Skills;
4.2. Relations with the SUC community and the general public;
4.3. Management competencies;
4.4. Resource generation or good relations with alumni;
4.5. Stature in the Academic Profession;
4.6. Commitment to academic excellence and promotion of academic freedom;
4.7. Work ethics relevant to the position of an SUC President; and
4.8. Research Agenda - The same process will be observed up to the last interviewee.
- There will be a designated place that shall serve as a holding area for applicants waiting for their turn to be interviewed.
- Nothing in these rules, however, will prevent the Governing Board from interviewing the applicants as to their abilities and readiness for the position.