#VSU100: Join the Centennial Songwriting Competition!
- Details
- Written by the VSU Centennial Songwriting Committee
Published: 01 February 2024

There is always a special place for music in the heart and soul of every person. This is why, for the hundredth anniversary of our beloved university, we are going to tap into the talents of Viscans to craft songs of celebration that we all can sing.
The Centennial Songwriting Contest aims to gather musical submissions from Viscans and pick the best from the bunch. The selected songs will thereafter be co-produced by the university and launched during the Centennial Festivities of VSU.
These productions will be compiled into a Centennial Album which will be uploaded to major music platforms in time for our anniversary celebration. There will be a Centennial Theme Song as well as other songs about VSU and our very colorful Viscan lives.
Who can join?
All Viscans from the VSU system are eligible to join: as long as you are a student, faculty, staff, or alumni, whether here on campus, outside of the campus, in the country, or abroad.
Can somebody else sing my song?
Yes. The singer/s can be somebody apart from the composer, as long as they are also Viscans (based on the Who Can Join criteria). However, please note that prizes will be accorded by song, regardless of the number of composers and/or artists.
Submission Criteria
Centennial Theme Song
We will accept submissions from any genre of music, as long as:
- The lyrics are memorable, written in Cebuano, Bisaya (Waray), Filipino, English, or a combination
- The message centers on the hundred years of VSU’s existence as an academic institution geared toward excellence
- The song’s style is singable and should mainly be a solo rendition, with musical accompaniment
- The song is within the vocal range of most people, as it has to have popular appeal
Centennial Album Songs
We will accept submissions from any genre of music, as long as:
- The lyrics are striking and well-written, written in Cebuano, Bisaya (Waray), Filipino, English, or a combination
- The message focuses on a distinct aspect of Viscan life (e.g., love, sceneries, research, studying)
- The song’s style may not necessarily be singable and it may or may not have an accompaniment (acapella is acceptable)
- The song will not be limited to the common vocal range and may have many voices (duet, triplet, choir/group, etc.)
Submission of Entries
Interested Viscans shall submit the lyrics and a recording of the song on the platform and format that will be provided below.
Note that the recording does not need to be professionally produced at this time. It may just be a rough audio or video recording of a singer singing with accompanying instrument/s, using a smartphone app.
- For the theme song, a composer or group may submit only one entry.
- For the album songs, a composer or group may submit as many entries.
- Only a maximum of three Viscans shall compose a group.
To submit an entry for the Centennial Theme Song, email the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:
- Title, composer/s, and lyrics in Word (.docx) format. Include a short bionote of the composer/s including their Viscan background.
- A recording of the song in any popular audio or video format (MP3, MP4, WAV, etc.).
To submit an entry for the Centennial Album Songs, email the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.:
- Title, composer/s, and lyrics in Word (.docx) format. Include a short bionote of the composer/s including their Viscan background and a brief explanation of how the song reflects an aspect of Viscan life.
- A recording of the song in any popular audio or video format (MP3, MP4, WAV, etc.).
Deadline of submission: February 21, 2024 (Wednesday)
If the files are sent using file transfer or virtual drive platforms, ensure that access permissions are in order. Entries with inaccessible/incomplete submissions or sent through other addresses or platforms will not be considered.
How will the contest go?
- CALL FOR ENTRIES. The centennial song contest committee announces a call to submit entries for the theme song and album songs.
- SUBMISSION. Interested Viscans shall submit the lyrics and a recording of the song on the platform and format provided above.
- INITIAL SCREENING. After the submission deadline, the committee will hold an initial screening to shortlist the finalists.
- The following shall be the considerations in the screening:
- Musicality and singability
- Lyrics
- Relevance to the Centennial/Viscan life
- Overall Impact
- Note, however, that there is no weight in each of these criteria, only that these will be considered as a whole by the committee, based on their expert opinion in music.
- The initial screening for the theme song will take in the top three (3) entries based on expert assessment.
- The initial screening for the album songs will take in at least five (5) entries based on expert assessment and with the aim of producing a variety of musical styles and content.
- The following shall be the considerations in the screening:
- ANNOUNCEMENT OF FINALISTS. The committee will announce the composers of the shortlisted entries.
- The three composers and their songs will vie to be selected as the Centennial Theme Song.
- The selected album composers and their songs will vie to be included in the Grand Viscantahan concert (top 5). All songs that make it through production will be included in the album.
- PRODUCTION. All shortlisted finalists shall undergo a one-month co-production workshop with the Committee to continue producing their songs, including writing, editing, arranging, recording, mastering, and post-production. Only the songs that are finalized by March 20, 2024, will undergo the semi-final and final screenings.
- SEMI-FINAL SCREENING. After production, the Centennial Theme Song finalists and the other songs will be subjected to a semi-final screening via listening sessions in the VSU system:
- The following are the different groups:
- VSU Baybay ℅ the Committee, in cooperation with USSC-Baybay, Amaranth, VSU-FAN, LSU-AdPA, OP, and VSU-ACRO.
- VITA campuses ℅ their Chancellors (four groups)
- Each group shall comprise 8-15 musically inclined constituents (faculty, staff, students, alumni) who will listen to and critically evaluate the songs. The group in charge shall ensure the proper representation of their constituents.
- The identity of the composers will not be disclosed to the listeners. Likewise, the composition of the listening groups will not be disclosed to the finalists.
- Via viva voce or other convenient means, each group will come up with their ranking of the Centennial Theme Song, which will be submitted to the Committee.
- Each group will also provide their comments and a “pass or fail” verdict on the album songs, which will be submitted for consideration by the Committee.
- At the same time, there will be a People’s Choice Award for the theme song and album songs, the mechanics of which will be announced later.
- The following are the different groups:
- FINAL SCREENING. After the semi-final screening, the Committee will collate all rankings, verdicts, and comments and present the results to the President or an authorized representative during the final screening.
- The final ranking for the Centennial Theme Song will be computed as follows:
- 50% from the semi-final screening ranks
- 25% from the Committee
- 25% from the Office of the President
- The album songs will be finalized by the Committee and OP. At least five (5) songs that have a majority pass verdict will be considered and further ranked for inclusion in the album.
- The decision of the Committee and OP as judges will be final and irrevocable.
- The rest of the produced songs, outtakes, mixes, etc. may be included in a deluxe edition of the album.
- The final ranking for the Centennial Theme Song will be computed as follows:
- LAUNCH. The Centennial Theme Song and the Centennial Album will be launched in the Grand Viscantahan Concert on April 24, 2024, as part of the VSU 100th Anniversary Festivities and this is when we will award the winners and finalists.
These will be the activities related to the Centennial Songwriting Competition. Please note that these may adjusted by the Committee as deemed necessary.
All production sessions will be done at the Multimedia Development Center at the VSU Main Campus. The committee and finalists (esp. for those who are outside of the main campus) shall work out a way to be available during this period for recording.
Winners of the Centennial Theme Song will be awarded the following:
- Selected Theme Song - PhP 20,000.00 and certificate
- Finalists (2) - PhP 10,000.00/song and certificate/person
Composer/s of the other songs will be given the following:
- Top 5 - PhP 10,000.00/song and certificate/person
- Other Shortlisted finalists - Certificate/person
Viscans can also vote for their Centennial Theme Song and Best Album Song online, the mechanics of which will be announced later. The two winning songs will be given the following:
- People’s Choice Award (2) - PhP 5,000.00/song and certificate/person
Terms and conditions
- By submitting their entry and participating in the contest and productions, the contestant agrees to abide by all contest and production rules and decisions made by VSU through the Centennial Song Committee.
- All shortlisted entries will be considered properties of the Visayas State University, which will have exclusive rights to the songs.
- Contestants declare that their entries do not infringe any copyright. The contestant will be solely responsible for any situation that may arise related to copyright infringement.
- The decision of the judges will be final and irrevocable.
The Centennial Song Committee
As per OP Memorandum Circular Nos. 03 and 15, S. 2024
Chairperson: Mr. Jed Asaph D. Cortes (DDC)*
Co-chairperson: Mr. Christian Vie Baldonado (CON)
Ms. Erica J. Gines (UIMC)
Mr. Jay Monn T. Berondo (UIMC)
Ms. Trisha Clair Jualo (BSDC student/VSU Choral Ensemble Member)
Inquiries or concerns may be directed to any member of the committee through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the Viscantahan Facebook Page.
*Mr. Jed Asaph Cortes, the chairperson of the VSU Centennial Songwriting Committee, has composed and produced some well-known songs for VSU, songs that are still in the back of the mind of Viscans everywhere: It’s Here at VSU (composed by Ms. Marj Federicos-Mier, but which he rearranged and remastered), VSU In My Heart, and—with Dr. Hilary Niña Vitor, VSU DVM Class of 2017—the jingles I Call It Home and When I’m With You. He also created all modern arrangements of the VSU Hymn with all its orchestral grandeur.