#GoingGlobal: Indonesia’s University of Jember strengthens ties with VSU
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Published: 31 May 2022

The Visayas State University achieves another milestone as it continues to expand its international engagements with more institutions in Southeast Asia, this time by strengthening its previous relationship with the University of Jember (UNEJ) in Indonesia
The virtual signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) happened on March 20, 2022 between UNEJ Rector Dr. IR. Iwan Taruna and VSU President Dr. Edgardo E. Tulin.
This was witnessed by UNEJ Vice Rector for Planning, Information Systems and Public Relations Prof. Drs. Bambang Kuswadi with her counterpart from VSU, Dr. Beatriz S. Belonias, the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Established in 1964, UNEJ is an excellent public institution in the metropolis of Jember, which is the third largest urban area in the province of East Java. With an enrollment of 25, 000 to 29,000 students, it is considered as one of the biggest Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)in indonesia.
Both VSU and UNEJ have established a good international reputation in research and teaching especially in the area of agriculture and its allied disciplines.
With shared expertise, this partnership renewal will enable both UNEJ and VSU to foster a closer relationship as the MOU opens opportunities for mutual cooperation in teaching, research and extension activities including the conduct of joint conferences, seminars, and lectures, among others.
UNEJ Rector Taruna also mentioned in his speech during the signing ceremony how much he wanted to pursue internationalization to make their institution a world class university–a vision similar to what VSU aspires to achieve in the near future.
“An increase in the collaboration with international universities is a must for the University of Jember because I believe it will trigger our energy to further strengthen our resolve to become a world class university.” Dr. Taruna said.
He also hoped that Covid-19 would end soon, so he would be able to visit VSU again.
“One thing we miss when we do face-to-face signing is the taste or smell of coffee in VSU. That's why we hope that COVID-19 pandemic will soon get better so we can meet each other in some place to strengthen our friendship and collaboration on academic and research.” the UNEJ Rector added.
In response, VSU President Tulin also expressed how pleased he was with the signing of the MOU and that he is looking forward to the great learning experiences this MOU will offer to both UNEJ and VSU.
“I am very happy that today with this signing of a memorandum of understanding was realized because this is a way that we can move forward into forging more concrete projects or studies with our brothers and sisters in Southeast Asia. With ASEAN community now being put in place, I wish for continued and long term success of this undertaking so that we can connect to more universities and colleges in the Southeast Asian region. May all those who are involved in the realization of this partnership bring their best practices so that both UNEJ and VSU can grow together as one of the leading agricultural universities in this part of the world,” the VSU President responded.
President Tulin also recognized the shared vision of both UNEJ and VSU to become world class universities. With an aligned direction, he foresees a more symbiotic relationship between the two institutions that will soon lead to faculty mobility and even joint student exchange programs.
Key officials of both UNEJ and VSU were present in the virtual MOA signing. Three Vice Rectors from UNEJ were in attendance including their Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture along with five other unit heads of their institution.
As for VSU, all the five Vice Presidents participated in the Zoom event along with the two Deans of the Graduate School (GS) and the College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS) and the ten department heads of the different agriculture-related programs of the university.