#YolandaPH: Typhoon advisory from the VSU Administration

Class Suspension
The University suspends classes and all student activities from Thursday to Friday, November 7-8, 2013. This includes enrollment and payment of bills. Classes and enrollment will resume on Monday, November 11.
However, faculty and staff will continue to work until otherwise advised.
Safety Measures
To ensure the safety of VSU people, we are using the following buildings as evacuation centers:
- Institute of Human Kinetics
- College of Management & Economics/College of Education/Department of Development Communications
- Department of Agronomy and Soil Science
- Department of Pest Management
- Department of Biological Sciences
- Department of Computer Science and Technology
Students who come from nearby towns are advised to go home. For the rest, the venues mentioned are available.
We advise people to take extra caution when passing through roads, as trees and branches may fall. Charge mobile devices and emergency lights in advance. And prepare enough things in case evacuation is needed.
Always bring umbrellas and raincoats when going outside.
We will be establishing emergency hotlines, keep posted.
If you are online, you can tweet us @visayasstateu with the hashtag #YolandaPH or message us on Facebook for your concerns.