5 Reasons You Should Get a VSU Email Address

- You get to be identified with your university. Universities rarely give out email address to its students. Even universities abroad. Some offer this privilege only to its faculty and graduate students. People from the academe have high regard for an EDU email. And you get a sense of identity. And it sounds corporate.
- The interface looks cool. Some universities offer webmail services that they host themselves using email clients. Because we're used to Yahoo or Gmail, we might not like how Outlook or Roundcube or Squirrelmail looks. It just isn't userfriendly. But not for our webmail service. Here's why...
- It's seamlessly integrated to the Google ecosystem. Not only does our webmail have a Gmail interface (which a lot of email users prefer), it also comes with a whole range of Google services. This is because we have subscribed to Google Apps for Education, a free service by Google to educational institutions all around the world. What's with Google? You get Chrome, Youtube, Search, Mail, Plus, Calendar and a lot more all from your VSU account. (If you have an Android/iOS smartphone, you can manage everything from one Google account.)
- You get discounts and special access. Do you have special computer needs and you need to buy program licenses? Hardware and software companies like Apple and Microsoft offer discounts to their products for those who have an EDU account. (Think of that shiny, cool Macbook but cheaper.) If you love Adobe products, they also offer really cheap licenses for their services too! Plus, if you're working on research, you get special access to published journals, articles and books online.
- Your Google Drive storage is larger. Cloud computing is the in now. This means all your files and documents are stored online. Google usually offers a free 15GB storage to its users with Google Drive. But with VSU, it's up to 30 GB. Free. Think about that.
Convinced already?
These are just some of the reasons why you might want to get a VSU email account. If you're convinced, then sign up here.