To the VSU Class of 2020

VSU President Edgardo E. Tulin's letter to the graduating Class of 2020:
Dear Graduating Viscans of the VSU System,
How are you?
First of all, my sincerest congratulations! As the father of this university, I’m very happy that you’ve made it. This is in spite of all the odds brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. You have shown to the world that since you are a Viscan, you can.
You can be resilient. You can make it. And you can be successful.
You are one of the 1,584 would-be graduates of the distinguished Class of 2020 of the VSU system. The so-called “COVID batch” of graduates.
I know the silent frustration that’s on your mind: That your graduation ceremony, if non-existent, will be a virtual one.
And I fully understand your sentiments. Your journey here at VSU will just end anti-climactically, just like that, without you donning the much-anticipated toga, walking up the stage to receive your diploma, going out to hug your families and friends, and singing the VSU Hymn for one last time together.
Of course, I could not imagine that your dear VSU will just let you leave without giving you a fitting tribute.
Much as we’d like to hold the usual ceremonies for you—so that you could experience the things I mentioned above—it is just impossible because of this pandemic.
But we have something really good in store for you.
It is my honor to announce that on September 30, 2020, we will hold the 67th Commencement Exercises of the Visayas State University.
We look forward to this #VSUGrad because it will be very special. It is virtual, yes, but it will be memorable. In fact, it will be the best graduation production we will have yet.
And for the first time ever, it will be a system-wide graduation, as we will also feature your co-graduates from our component colleges in Alangalang, Isabel, Tolosa, and Villaba.
So here’s what we will do:
For your graduation to be one for the books, it will require your participation. Starting next week, we will ask you to submit, not just a graduation photo, but a video of you that we will include in our livestream.
We will post the details soon and you will coordinate with your department or college for your submission.
With your help, it will be as wonderful as we imagine it to be: grand, cinematic, but genuine.
And when all’s been said and done, you can say, yes, I am indeed a #ProudViscan.
Congratulations to you. God bless, and keep safe!