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Nenito Sales, 76, is the oldest partcipant who competed against 1,210 runners during the Fun Run 2016 at the VSU Upper Grounds on August 06. VSU President, Dr. Edgardo Tulin (right) honored Sales (left) as the oldest registrant of this year's activity. Here are the results of the recently concluded event: 

Faculty, Staff, Alumni & Friends Category Final Results

Men's Division
Rank 1: Leonardo Lacostales (Runner #031)
Rank 2: Ronald Vios (Runner #092)
Rank 3: Gregorio Daga Jr. (Runner #322)

Women's Division
Rank 1: Noriebelle Bacusmo (Runner #090)
Rank 2: Dalisay Roca (Runner #089)
Rank 3: Merry Joy Gennaccaro (Runner #088)

Students Category Final Results

Men's Division
Rank 1: Ocier John Orland (Runner #722)
Rank 2: Eirynne Gollodo (Runner #1081)
Rank 3: Francisco Elan Jr. (Runner #1080)

Women's Division
Rank 1: Rodith Ollave (Runner #1083)
Rank 2: Josette Molina (Runner #1084)
Rank 3: Jayca Lou Jaca (Runner #643)

Children's Category

Girls' Division 
Rank 1: Abigail Porter (Runner #008)
Rank 2: Lala Maru Sucayre (Runner #006)
Rank 3: Alyssa Jane Porter (Runner #003)

Boys' Division
Rank 1: Klyde Lucas Miraflor (Runner #010)
Rank 2: Johannsen Paulo Gapasin (Runner #033)
Rank 3: Keen Aaron Arenano (Runner #015)


Fun Run 2016 Special Awards

First to Register: Shiela Lemos
Most Enthusiastic Participant: Jeffrey Lloyd Cagande
Youngest Runner (2 years old): Mohan Meilys Aure-Flores
Oldest Runner (76 years old): Nenito Sales
Sexiest Runner: Merry Joy Gennaccaro

Most Participated Family
(1) Relevo Family 
(2) Cagande Family 
(3) Aure Family


Category A - VSU Faculty/Staff, Alumni & Friends: 246 (Female), 209 (Male) = 455

Category B - VSU student College/HS/SHS: 476 (Female), 231 (Male) = 707

Category C - Elementary/Children: 27 (Female), 22 (Male) = 49

Total Number of Runners: 1, 211


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