Course Number and Descriptive Title                                                                                         Units

Required Course – 21 units

LAMP211 – Land Administration and Management                                                          3

LAMP223 – Land Tenure, Law and Policy                                                                            3

LAMP225 –Land Economics and Valuation                                                                         3

LAMP229 –Technologies for Geodata Collection, Analysis & Interpretation                 3

LAMP231 – Land Conflict Management                                                                               3

LAMP234 – Urban and Rural Land Use Planning                                                                3

LAMP298 – Research Methods (for MLAM and MSLAM students only)                        3

Elective Courses – 6 units minimum

LAMP221/DSOC221 – Sociology of Agriculture                                                                 3

LAMP224/DSOC224–Demography                                                                                       3

LAMP227/DSOC227 – Political Economy                                                                            3

LAMP235/DSOC235 –Collective Behavior and Grassroots Organizing                         3

LAMP241/DSOC241– Gender, Work and Food in Rural Societies                                   3

LAMP244/DSOC244– Poverty, Peace and the Peasantry                                                 3

LAMP247/DSOC247– Social Programming Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation      3

LAMP252/DSOC252-Land Resources Management, Access and Benefit Sharing      3

Graduate Seminar

LAMP299 – Graduate Seminar                                                                                      1

Master’s Thesis/Special Problem

LAMP300 –Master’s Thesis                                                                                                  6

LAMP300A – Special Project                                                                                                3


Courses                                              Number of Units

DLAM              MLAM             MSLAM

Major/Required Courses                      18                    21                     21

Elective                                                    -                     12                      6

Graduate Seminar                                  1                      1                      1

Special Project                                       -                      3                       -

Master’s Thesis                                      -                       -                      6

Total No. of Units Required                19                     37                    34

Minimum no. of semester to

Finish the degree                                    2                      4                       4

a) Odd and even numbered courses are offered during the first and second semester of the school year, respectively.
b) After the first term, graduate students are required to form their Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) and prepare their Plan of Course Work ( PCW). Forms can be secured at the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.