Graduate Degree Programs


Course number and Description Title


Core Course – 6 units

AGDE201 – Rural Development Theories and Approaches 3
AGDE202 – Problems and Issues in Agricultural and Rural Development 3

Major Courses – 24 units (minimum)

ENTO213 – Acarology 3
ENTO215 – Aquatic Entomology 3
ENTO216 – Stored Products Entomology 3
ENTO217 – Insect Pathology 3
ENTO221 – Insect Morphology 3
ENTO228 – Advanced Insect Physiology 3
ENTO229 – Insect Behavior 3
ENTO241 – Immature Insects 3
ENTO242 – Taxonomy of Parasitoids and Predators 3
ENTO252 – Insect Ecology 3
ENTO262 – Insecticide Toxicology 3
ENTO291 – Special Topics 1-3

Minor/Cognate Courses – 9 units (courses from another field of specialization)

ENTO299 – Graduate Seminar 1
ENTO290 – Special Problem


 Major  24
 Minor/Cognate  9
 Graduate Seminar 1
 Special Problem  2
 Total No. of Units Required  42



  1. Not more than 6 units of 100 level courses may be credited for the degree program
  2. Odd and even numbered courses are offered during the first and second semester of the school year, respectively.
  3. After the first term, graduate students are required to form their Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) and prepare their Plan of Course Work (PCW). Forms can be secured at the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.
Title and Description of Courses Units
Core Course – 6 units
AGDE201 – Rural Development Theories and Approaches 3
AGDE202 – Problems and Issues in Agricultural and Rural Development 3
Major Courses – 24 units (minimum)
ECON213* – Price and Allocation Theory 3
ECON214* – National Income and employment 3
AGEC210 – Resource Utilization and Farm Business 3
AGEC221 – Advanced Farm Management 3
AGEC222 – Agricultural Production Economics 3
AGEC231 – Project Feasibility Studies 3
AGEC235 – Agricultural Resource Economics 3
AGEC241 – Agricultural Prices 3
AGEC244 – Economics of Agricultural Marketing 3
AGEC291 - Special Topics 1-3
*Required Course
Minor/Cognate Courses – 9 units (minimum)
AGEC299 – Graduate Seminar 1
AGEC290 –Special Problem 2


Core Courses   6
Major   24
Minor/Cognate   9
Graduate Seminar   1
Special Problem   2
Total No. of Units Required   42



  1. Not more than 6 units of 100 level courses may be credited for the degree program
  2. Odd and even numbered courses are offered during the first and second semester of the school year, respectively.
  3. After the first term, graduate students are required to form their Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) and prepare their Plan of Course Work (PCW). Forms can be secured at the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.

Course Number and Descriptive Title                                                                          Units

Major Courses – 21 units (minimum)

BOTN205 – Photophysiology                                                                                 3

BOTN211 – Bryology                                                                                               3

BOTN213 – Advanced Plant Physiology                                                              3

BOTN215 – Pteridology                                                                                          3  

BOTN217 – Stress Physiology of Plants                                                              3

BOTN219 – Wetland Ecology                                                                                 3

BOTN241 – Advanced Plant Systematics                                                           3

BOTN243 – Advanced Phycology                                                                         3

BOTN206 – Developmental Plant Anatomy                                                        3

BOTN212 – Ecology of Aquatic Fungi                                                                  3

BOTN214 – Systematics of Grasses and Legumes                                           3

BOTN216 – Plant-Water Relations                                                                        3

BOTN222 – Plant Communities and Ecosystems                                              3

BOTN242 – Advances in Plant Ecology                                                                3

BOTN292 – Cell Ultrastructure                                                                               3

BOTN294 – Methods in Plant Systematics                                                          3


Minor/Cognate Courses – 9 units (courses from another field of specialization)

BOTN299 – Graduate Seminar                                                                               1

BOTN300 – Master’s Thesis                                                                                   6


Major                                         ___ 21

Minor/Cognate                        ___ 9

Graduate Seminar                   ___ 1

Master’s Thesis                       ___ 6

Total No. of Units Required:        37


a) Not more than 6 units of 100 level courses may be credited for the degree program

b) Odd and even numbered courses are offered during the first and second semester of the school year, respectively.

c) After the first term, graduate students are required to form their Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) and prepare their Plan of Course Work (PCW). Forms can be secured at the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.

Title and Description of Courses


Core Courses (6 units)

AGDE201 Rural Development Theories and Approaches 3
AGDE202 Problems and Issues in Agricultural and Rural Development 3

Major Courses (25 units)

DEVC205 Communication Theory 3
DEVC297 Development Communication Research 3
DEVC210 Communication and Development 3
DEVC214 Organizational Communication and Communication
DEVC235 Science Communication 3
DEVC218 Development Communication and Culture



Communication for Distance Education 3
DEVC290 Special Problem 2
DEVC291 Special Topic 1
DEVC299 Graduate Seminar in Development Communication 1

Elective Courses (6 units)

DEVC222 Development Broadcasting 3
DEVC212 Educational Communication 3
DEVC242 Knowledge Management 3
DEVC245 Communication for Distance Education 3

Cognate Courses (9 units)

Cognate courses may all be taken in any other program offered in the university/school in the
humanities, social sciences, natural science, or technical fields.
Core Courses 6
Major Courses 18
Elective Courses 6
Cognate 9
Special Problem 2
Graduate Seminar 1
Total No. of Units Required 42


  • Not more than 6 units of 100 level courses may be credited for the degree program
  • Odd, and even numbered courses are offered during the first and semester of the school year, respectively.
  • After the first term, graduate students are required to form their Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) and prepare their Plan of Coursework (PCW). Forms can be secured at the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.

Master of Education (MEd) in: