Course Number and Descriptive Title   Units
Core Course 6 Units
Crop Production and Management    
  AGRO317 - Characteristics and Dynamics of Agroecosystems   3
  AGRO321 - Advanced Field Crop Seed Technology   3
Crop Physiology    
  AGRO318 - Stress Physiology of Field Crops   3
  AGRO320 - Feild Crop Seed Physiology   3
Ecological Agriculture    
  AGRO317 - Characteristics and Dynamics of Agroecosystems   3
  AGRO322 - Organic Field Crops Production   3
Seed Science and Technology    
  AGRO320 - Feild Crop Seed Physiology   3
  AGRO321 - Advanced Field Crop Seed Technology    
Forage and Pasture    
  AGRO323 - Pasture and Forage Physiology   3
  AGRO318 - Stress Physiology of Field Crops    
Major Courses 15 Units
 AGRO317 - Characteristics and Dynamics of Agroecosystems   3
 AGRO318 - Stress Physiology of Field Crops   3
 AGRO319 - Methods in Field Crop Research   3
 AGRO320 - Feild Crop Seed Physiology   3
 AGRO321 - Advanced Field Crop Seed Technology   3
 AGRO322 - Organic Field Crops Production   3
 AGRO323 - Pasture and Forage Physiology   3
 AGRO398 - Graduate Colloquium   1
 AGRO399A - Graduate Seminar   1
 AGRO399B - Graduate Seminar   1
 AGRO400 - Doctoral Dissertation   12
 SOIL211 - Advanced Soil Fertility   3
 AGRO212 - Field Crop Production and Management  
 AGRO213 - Nutrient Management of Field Crops   3
 AGRO214 - Physiological Aspects of Crop Production   3
 AGRO215 - Applied Field Crop Physiology   3
 AGRO216- Advances in Root and Tuber Crop Production and Utilization   3
 AGRO241 - Advances in Cropping Systems   3
 AGRO242 - Advances in Legumes Production   3
 AGRO243 - Advances in Forage and Pasture Management and Utilization   3
 AGRO244 - Advances in Cereal Production   3
Minor/Cognate Courses –12 units (courses from 1 or 2 other fields of specialization)


Core Course   6
Major Course   15
Minor/Cognate   12
Graduate Seminar   2
Dissertation   12
   Colloquium    1
Total No. of Units Required   48



  1. Not more than  6 units of 100 level courses may be credited for the degree program
  2. Odd and even numbered courses are offered during the first and second semester of the school year, respectively.
  3. After the first term, graduate students are required to form their Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) andPlan of Course Work ( PCW). Forms can be secured at the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.