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Research Agenda

1. Health of individuals, families and communities
        -Health and Wellness Promotion
        -Population and Health Issues
        -Emergency Preparedness
        -Disease Prevention
        -Curative Management
        -Climate Change 

2. Health Care Delivery System
        -Nursing Management
        -Referral system and networking
        -Public and Private Health services and facilities
        -Health disparities
        -Health Program Evaluation

3. Higher Education System 
        -Nursing pedagogy
        -Tracer studies
        -Evaluation of nursing programs

Extension Agenda

  1. Improvement of health among individuals, families and communities through health education and provision of health services
  2. Enhancement of Health Care Delivery System practices by assessing/evaluating health care agencies and feedbacking results to concerned agencies thus developing intervention schemes as needed.
  3. Full implementation of Higher Education System in nursing.

The College of Nursing was established in 2009. Since then, the College has grown to become one of the outstanding colleges of VSU owing to its competent faculty who are all Masters degree holders, and instructional quality, facilities and equipment that meet the standards set by the Commission on Higher Education. The College has attained at least 80% passing rate in the licensure examinations ever since.

About CoN

The BS in Nursing program of the College started out as a Ladderized Program (BOR Resolution no. 11, s. 2007 and revised per BOR Resolution no. 79, s. 2008.) Then, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) accredited the two vocational programs in Nursing Assistant and Caregiver which grant students who have passed the TESDA assessment a National Certificate. 

In December 2007, the Department of Nursing Skills Laboratory and Lecture rooms were inaugurated. From then on, the VSU Board of Regents passed BOR resolution no. 73, s. 2009 on the 29th of October, approving the creation of the College of Nursing. Facilities and equipment were set up to meet the minimum standards set by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). 

Partnerships with clinical agencies, community organizations. Governmnt and Non-government Organizations were forged to provide the needs of an outstanding generalist Nursing Education.


VSU – CN is an established higher educational institution that nurtures the person’s bio-psycho-socio-cultural and spiritual being for the promotion of one’s self and total human transformation for service and quality nursing care practice.


Produce a compassionate and holistic care giver equipped with critical thinking abilities, competent nursing skills and a well-disciplined person observant of the Code of Ethics for Nurses with emphasis on transcultural nursing.


  • Apply knowledge of the physical, social and behavioral sciences in the provision of nursing care based on theory, research and evidence-based practice
  • Participates in the delivery of nursing care with established legal and ethical parameters in collaboration with clients and members of the interdisciplinary health care team
  • Provides holistic nursing care to individuals, families, communities and society as whole while respecting individual ad cultural diversity
  • Demonstrates effective leadership that fosters independent thinking and collaborative communication in the management of nursing care
  • Serves as an advocate for clients and for the profession of nursing
  • Demonstrates continuing competence, growth and development in the profession

Core Values

  • Verity
  • Service
  • Uprightness
  • Competence and Commitment
  • Nurturance

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This is Visayas State University.

Located at the island of Leyte in central Philippines, flanked by a high mountain range and the Camotes Sea, VSU is a leading global university in agriculture and allied fields. Its flagship campus in Baybay City is widely considered the most beautiful educational campus in the Philippines.



At a Glance

Some cool things you need to know about Visayas State University.


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Visiting VSU

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Offices & Administration

Offices & Administration

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To become the Center of Excellence in Statistics in the Visayas.

The Department of Statistics aims to be the leading provider of high quality statistics education and resource center for statistical research and extension.

1. Provide excellent and relevant instruction, research, extension, and production in the field of statistics.
2. Utilize appropriate statistics in scientific, technological, and developmental undertakings.
3. Sustain linkages and collaboration with local and international statistical units and agencies.
4. High level of functional knowledge and public utility of statistics for planning and decision-making in all sectors of society.

1. Produce highly trained graduates to serve the statistical needs in the Visayas, in particular, and the country, in general.
2. Undertake quality research and development activities in statistics and related fields.
3. Promote the appropriate utilization of statistics among scientists, technologists, and development workers in the Visayas.
4. Maintain productive linkages and cooperation with statistical units and agencies locally and internationally.
5. Upgrade the expertise of statistical users in the Visayas.

 1. How is sexual harassment defined by law?

Sexual harassment is an act or series of acts involving any unwelcome sexual advance, request or demand for sexual favor, or other verbal or physical behavior of a sexual nature, committed by any administrator, faculty, staff, and student.

In a work-related or education/training-related environment, the person complained of exercise authority, moral ascendancy over another person or individual. [See page 2 of Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR)]

2. What acts can be considered sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment can consist of the following:

  1. Persistent, unwanted attempts to change a professional or educational relationship to a personal one
  2. Unwelcome sexual flirtations and inappropriate put-downs of individuals or classes of people
  3. Leering, whistling, touching, pinching, or brushing against another’s body.
  4. Use or display of objects or pictures, graphics, letters, or notes which have sexual underpinnings that would create a hostile or offensive work or living environment
  5. Sexual assault, rape

[See page 3 of IRR]

3. What inappropriate comments can be considered sexual harassment?

Statements that can be considered sexual harassment include:

  1. Graphic commentary about a person’s body, sexual prowess or deficiencies
  2. Repeated sexual-oriented kidding, teasing, joking, and flirting
  3. Offensive crude language
  4. Derogatory, demeaning, or lascivious comments about men and women in general, whether sexual or not

[See page 3 of IRR]

4. To whom will I report an incident of sexual harassment?

At VSU, you can ask for help or advice from the Anti-Sexual Harassment Office. The following personnel constitute ASHO:

Dr. Beatriz  Belonias – VP for Instruction, Chair
Prof. Manolo Loreto –Dean of Students, Member
Dr. Ruth O. Escasinas –Faculty Representative, Member
Dr. Josephine O. Zafico –Administrative Staff Representative, Member
USSC President –Student Representative
Prof. Maria Aurora Teresita Tabada –Institute of Strategic Research and Development Studies Director, ASHO Coordinator

5. How can I report a sexual harassment incident?

You can opt for either an informal or formal filing procedure.

  • Informal procedure: Have the incident recorded or document. Both parties will undergo counseling.
  • Formal procedure: File a written complaint to ASHO. A formal investigation or hearing will be conducted.

[See procedures for filing a complaint here.]






The premiere department of Biotechnology in the country.


Provide excellent instruction, conduct relevant research and foster community engagement that produce highly competent graduates in Biotechnology necessary for the development of the country.


  1. Strong and highly competent faculty and staff in Biotechnology.
  2. Excellent and relevant education in Biotechnology.
  3. Sufficient knowledge and training in Biotechnology applicable to the industrial and agricultural sectors.
  4. Dynamic and sustainable linkages within the university and with private sectors for programs in Biotechnology and allied fields,


  1. To develop strong and highly competent faculty and staff in Biotechnology.
  2. To provide excellent and relevant instruction, research and extension in Biotechnology.
  3. To produce knowledgeable graduates well-equipped with skills necessary for the development of biotechnological innovations essential to the economic growth of the country.
  4. To establish dynamic and sustainable linkages within the university as well as with the private sectors for the promotion of instruction, research and extension programs in Biotechnology.


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